Good online course in meteorology (related to storms)

Aug 27, 2009
I have been googling and searching but can't seem to find any good (preferrably free) online courses or training material that can teach me more about storms and the metorology behind it. I guess I am maybe looking for more of a 102 than a 101 course but anything but would be nice. What I am looking for is not just a brief description on how supercells and tornadoes are created but something more in-depth.

The 101 DVD mentioned in the sticky doesn't seem to be available any more, and I live overseas so it wouldn't be too easy to get ahold of anyway I guess. Could it be found online?

Edit: If there are no online courses or material, suggestions for books or would be appreciated as well.
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Found this excellent online course:

I particularly want to understand the different parts of a storm cloud, what they are, what they "do" and so on. I find it really difficult on each storm chase to identify RFD's and so on. I never really seem to understand exactly what I am looking at, in the big picture (putting together the radar image with the visual image and my knowledge about storms)...
Reading the National Weather Service forecast discussions is a great way to learn. Especially (if you like bigger storms) the NHC and SPC discussions.
MClarkson: Thanks, I read those once in a while but I think that's the next level for me (i.e. not my level yet).

Michael Towers: Awesome, that's pretty much exactly what I was looking for! Thanks!
I'm guessing the 101 video you are referring to is: ? I know the guy who produces it does international shipping. Its a good video and the new version is something like 7 hours long. I've been chasing a couple years and still picked up a thing or two, plus the chase video itself is good. Mods, you might want to update the link in that sticky thread, otherwise the point of that thread is moot.