Get ASOS/AWOS Weather Observation With Toll-Free Number

Jul 12, 2004
Pittsburg, Kansas
I did a search on this forum regarding this topic and I didn't come up with anything. I'm not sure how many chasers out there use ASOS/AWOS observations in the field while chasing, but I discovered a new way to obtain the airport observation recordings through a toll-free telephone number. The service is free to contact one ASOS/AWOS site per call. If anyone has used this before let me know how well it worked. Below is a quote from the website describing the services. I realize with a lot of chasers using cellphones each station's number is a free call anyway, and the observations can be found on the internet, but this is just another way to get the data in the field.

The website can be found at

"any AWOS connects you to any automated weather reporting station or airport (AWOS, ASOS, and ATIS) in the continental United States (Alaska and Hawaii will be coming soon) that has a public telephone number. any AWOS saves you the trouble of looking up AWOS telephone numbers (many of which are hard to find) and connects you, toll-free, to the AWOS of your choice."
I've been using AnyAWOS for a few years now. If you don't mind waiting through the advertisements, its a good way to get the most up-to-date obs, and it sure beats carrying around a ASOS phone directory. I'm not sure if they've started it yet, but they are working on a new service that will allow you to do multiple stations per call, along with some other features. I think that will be for a cost.
