I know i got CentOS down but i know im doing something wrong because terminal keeps coming up no such file of directory.
Agreed i wouldn't want to buy them either.
Are you sure you're following the instructions correctly? Have you untarred/unzipped the file? Are you running under csh or tcsh? What command are you running that is giving the "no such file or directory" error?
There was at one point a tutorial floating around the big bad internets explaining how to do it in Fedora (which is the upstream of CentOS/Redhat). I have worked professionally as a Linux Sysadmin since 2005 and have been using Linux since 1999 and still had a heck of a time compiling and running GEMPAK. In all honesty, just paying for the installation Rob offers is probably the easiest to do.
I just put an older CentOS version (5.8) on an old laptop, downloaded the GEMPAK source code (6.6.0), and built it without any hiccups. Sure beats the heck out of trying to get it to run on Ubuntu or other Linux flavors.
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