Chris Lott
I have heard Meteorologists use this term when they have identified a tornado on radar, but exactly what do they mean by Gate-to-Gate?
... each pixel is a "gate". When you have two pixels next to each other with one showing outbound (usually red color) and the other showing inbound (usually green color), that is pretty much gate-to-gate shear and also known as a velocity couplet....
I'd add to that the importance of making this assessment only with true level II radar data (not the stuff you typically find available on the net, which is level III)
Why can't you make such a determination with L3 data?
So, is this basically what it means, that the two measurements the radar picked up were both 158 mph, both toward and away from the radar, therefore indicating the gate-to-gate shear within the storm?
So, in general, would it be advisable to turn off the "smoothing" function on level 3 viewer when looking at velocities? It looks nicer to the eye, but perhaps lose some resolution?
"Personally, I'd turn off smoothing for all products if you're doing serious radar interpretation."
In Level III yes - I think it does add value without any sacrifice with 1/4km velocity in L2.