front page???


What happen to the newly designed front page to
Stormtrack? Looks like we went back to the old..
What happen to the newly designed front page to
Stormtrack? Looks like we went back to the old..
" The front-page blog was decommissioned April 2, 2006 due to a persistent lack of reader-contributed material."

Too much time required to write all the stories and keep up on it, plus I was starting to see signups from spammers (, etc). If I get time I will update it with storm news this spring.
I liked the blog idea, but was unable to comment (even though I was signed in) and when I attempted to log-in to the Wordpress log-in with my Stormtrack log-in, I was told that I wasn't using the correct username/password. In my case, that may have been due to the SPACE character in my username (which is normally a no-no).

Anyway, spam is easily prevented by some of the Captcha options out there: Wordpress Spam Tools.

Darren Addy
Kearney, NE
It's interesting to see what we looked like back in 1999:
Stormtrack in 1999


AAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWW Run for yur lives!!!!! Its a blast from the past

I really like what you've done to the forum recently. It does look A LOT more like the forum pre March 15 2006 or whenever it was the forum went to outer space. But im sure I had a lot to do with that. But im certainly happy. :lol:
The strange thing is how back in the 1990s we went without a forum. I think our high point of those years was 1997-98, then we went into a slight decline due to lack of time & a proliferation of other storm sites. It wasn't until the 2001-2003 period when the forum started overtaking the site.

I should find our old Stormtrack Yahoo group messages from the pre-2003 years and post them somewhere for archival purposes. I'm not even sure if it's still online or not.

I know at least part of them are, because I've seen them. There's some search site that pulled them up, though most of the links provided were dead. I think the actual messages I saw were from the Sept-Oct 2001 era.
I just logged into my YahooGroups account for the first time in probably 2 years... Lo and behold, all the old ST messages after 2/18/02 are still there. I don't know if it automatically deletes messages older than some number of months, or if that's just when YahooGroups changed formats.
I just logged into my YahooGroups account for the first time in probably 2 years... Lo and behold, all the old ST messages after 2/18/02 are still there. I don't know if it automatically deletes messages older than some number of months, or if that's just when YahooGroups changed formats.

lol - I don't think so ... I check it every now and then and there are new members added, and new messages are generated every now and then. I'm still a mod in there (albeit not a very active one after three years). It cracks me up every time I go in there and see new stuff being added -