Free Online Version of Wx-Worx Until June 15, 2009

Jan 28, 2005
Haslett, Michigan

"WxWorx OnLine connects to the internet and delivers high-resolution NEXRAD radar coverage, winds aloft, METARs, lightning and more – all in one easy-to-use application."

I think the one interesting thing here(comparing it to GR3) is that you get free lightning data for a time which is always nice to have not to mention overlapping radar coverage. The free trial period corresponds nicely with the chase vacation trips that are coming up.

FYI-speaking of lightning...this site is a gem for real time lightning using a network of home based detectors and software to triangulate the data: (I think weather underground is incorporating this system into their online radar product.)
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"WxWorx OnLine connects to the internet and delivers high-resolution NEXRAD radar coverage, winds aloft, METARs, lightning and more – all in one easy-to-use application."

I think the one interesting thing here(comparing it to GR3) is that you get free lightning data for a time which is always nice to have not to mention overlapping radar coverage. The free trial period corresponds nicely with the chase vacation trips that are coming up.

FYI-speaking of lightning...this site is a gem for real time lightning using a network of home based detectors and software to triangulate the data: (I think weather underground is incorporating this system into their online radar product.)

Thanks for the "Head's Up" on this. The lighting data is a nice supplement. It seems to be responsive and I'll have to get used to the interface a bit. $25 a month seems a bit steep for those of us who use software all year 'round... $20 if you pay up front for the year.

The big benefit to me is what seems like a touchscreen interface. I like the big buttons and being able to touch them as I'm driving rather than grab the mouse each time.
I tried to run this in Xubuntu 9.04 with WINE 1.1.20 but no go. It just stalls and never actually starts anything.

Guess I'll have to wait till I get into windows to try it out.
Works great on Windows 7 64bit but it's still missing lots of products and GR3 still blows it out of the water
Wow, that 16-color radar display is just amazing :rolleyes: No thanks, I'll stick with GRLevel3 and StormLab. Just as I did with Weather Defender, I uninstalled WXWorx Online within 10 minutes. Why do companies even try to compete...
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Tried the download. On both DSL and wireless modem, when the page gets loaded, and I try an application, (radar, watches, et al) and I get "(not responding)".

Don't get me wrong. WxWorx is fantastic with the Garmin G1000 avionics suite. Any aircraft without a radar, with WxWorx, is in one hell of a lot better shape than one without either. It's a great product, but not one for internet.
WxOnline didn't even work on Vista for me. it would just lock up and like you said would say "not responding". I had to try it on my XP Laptop, but wasn't a big deal as I uninstalled it anyways.
Lots of hidden stuff in this program !

Flashing warnings
SPC stuff
Storm Path
Shear button
+ more stuff
They should open source the codebase for the application, then sell access to their data. I'll gladly reuse something like that for other weather applications.

I ran it on XP and it was slow and sluggish. I get more and better from WeatherScope.
I normally run WxWorx on wings for chasing. Along with chase partners who run GR3. Of course I like the better data with GR3, but of course when you have no internet, the WOW is still up and running.
BUT>>> Do not install WxWorx online if you are running the wings system. It will totally corrupt your software and leave you dead when trying to chase. Not even WXWorx tech support could fix the problem. The only way to fix this is dump the wings program and reload it, or in the case of Friday 050109, while trying to chase and not having my disk with me, I had to system restore to a previous version.
I got home and tried to re install the online version to see what it looked like...Could not even get it to come up....kept saying "Can not connect to server".
I'm just not a fan of WxWorx period. In my opinion it is an overpriced piece of junk with very limited data that, to me, isn't worth the money. It simply is not worth $900 + the monthly fee. I used WxWorx in 2004 and ended up selling it. I think WxWorx would do a lot better and get a lot more customers than they do if they would lower the price for the plastic hardware.

The only thing WxWorx has going for it is that it uses satellite, other than that I'll stick with my datacard.