Franson GPS Gate and VZ Access Manager

Jan 9, 2006
Denver, CO
Has anyone had a problem with VZ Access Mgr shutting down the signal to Franson GPS gate? I have been able to run GPS gate just fine until I log onto the net. After about 10 minutes Franson says it is running normally but is not receiving a GPS signal and when running Spotter Network or GRLevel 3 my GPS position is frozen. Spotter Network Client shows that it is receiving information from my computer, but the speed and postion do not change. I never had this problem before I upgraded to a Novatel USB modem. If anyone else has had this problem, any info on what you did to fix it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Has anyone had a problem with VZ Access Mgr shutting down the signal to Franson GPS gate? I have been able to run GPS gate just fine until I log onto the net. After about 10 minutes Franson says it is running normally but is not receiving a GPS signal and when running Spotter Network or GRLevel 3 my GPS position is frozen. Spotter Network Client shows that it is receiving information from my computer, but the speed and postion do not change. I never had this problem before I upgraded to a Novatel USB modem. If anyone else has had this problem, any info on what you did to fix it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Are you running Windows Vista?

I've noticed that when I have multiple USB ports in use, I start to have programs freezing. I usually don't have problems with GPS Gate, but oftentimes VZ Access Manager, SN and/or Microsoft MapPoint will freeze and I will have to do a "Cntrl+Alt+Del" and use the task manager to close and restart the programs.
I was having troubles with GPSGate telling me that it was getting GPS Data but no valid fix. Seems that one of my GPS Pucks bit the dust, or is at least acting up big time.

I use the Novatel USB727 and my Streets & Trips GPS puck without a problem on Vista 32bit Ultimate Edition. I usually use my cradlepoint router, but I've had the connection manager open multiple times, and not had a problem.
I've had problems with the VZ manager. Mine will lose signal then not be able to locate the USB Wireless. Most the time I can just remove and re-insert the USB wireless and all is well. Though a few times I've had to reboot Windows.

I truly believe there is something inside VZ manager that causes the problems. I can leave all programs running except VZ at home all day long without any hang ups.
Jeff, there is one other thing you can try in that instance to avoid a reboot if you want. If you take off the USB modem and reinsert it and it doesn't find the modem, hit "Cntrl-Alt-Del" and then in the "processes" tab scroll down and look for additional VZ programs running. Sometimes I have seen as many as 3 running. If you end those as well then take your modem off and reinsert it that should buy you less reboots. Most times the modem will be picked up.

I totally believe VZ Access Manager is a huge source of problems on computers in general. In trying to figure out what is going on with my chase computer right now I learned that the USB 620 from Verizon has a GPS built into the modem and that, or so I thought, was conflicting with Franson. I got tech support on the phone and they walked me thru disabling the GPS. Thought I had it licked but 35 minutes into the test Frason stopped working. It DEFINITELY has something to do with VZ Access Manager. I have run all of my chase programs for extended periods of time short of starting VZ up and as soon as I do, Franson craps out. I think today I am going to call Franson to see if they have a remedy. I may have to go back to my old REV O PCMCIA card as that worked just fine and never had any problems with that.
running Vista, GPSGate, and VZ manager, and no issues at all, everything works, I get good signal on the VZ Card, VZ Manager works perfect, and my Delorme GPS puck grabs a signal, and Spotter Network client picks it up as well.
nah this Verizon's software used to allow their devices to connect to their internet. It's basically a modem dialer.
I doubt it would be the access manager causing this. It either a usb modem driver conflicting with your gps driver or simply that the gps puck is not holding its lock on the sats anymore. I used to leave my puck on the dash year round and I started to have problems also. I think the sun finally cooked it. Bought a replacement and put it in the glovebox when Im not using it and I havent had anymore problems with loosing lock on the sats.