FindTheTornado "tornadoes of 2010" DVD

The DVD was finalized but not sent to duplication just yet. Andy and I will discuss adding today's event to the DVD or throwing in a bonus disk. Watch this space for updates!

Now might be the time to purchase at the "pre-order" price! ;)
If yesterday's tornado is going to be included, I'm in there for sure.
Andy is calling this "My best tornado catch EVER!!" and that the 2010 DVD is going to have to be expanded to 80 minutes. SO glad nobody was home!

Andy has video of it taking out a whole row of trees, hitting structures along the river, along with several good time lapse options. It will all be available on the DVD.
Hey Andy! My wife and I chase together, and we always notice on Spotter Network that there are two dots that are always in the REALLLLLLY bad parts of the storm. You, and Bart Comstock! We have run into Bart "out there", but havn't had the chance to meet you yet. Great work, glad your staying safe, and of course we are going to support you by purchasing a copy of your DVD. We know how high your gas bill is.

Jeff and Carmen Tyler
Hey Andy, noticed no TX days in there. I thought were down here for all the big days (April 22, May 18, June 12)? I was out myself so I didn't notice who was all out there.
It almost always takes much longer to receive an order from a website that's professional-style, company-based, and sells multiple items by multiple individuals (as opposed to an individual selling his/her own items exclusively from a personal website). I have no clue why that is, but it's been my experience. I wouldn't expect anything from these type websites to show up in my mailbox for at least 4-6 weeks.

On the other hand, individuals selling their own items from personal websites, are exponentially quicker with their shipping.

I'm no business man, but my philosophy has always been "the customer paid quickly, so I'll provide them with their purchase quickly." There's no excuse for late shipping on an instant payment, or even a snail mail payment.
Just wanted to mention shipping will be delayed til Oct 18th I found out, we had an issue come up with the first company we were going to work with... then at no fault of anyone but my own I delayed finding another one debating on whether to try to do it myself or not... so needless to say were about 2 weeks behind... just wanted to apologize for that, and please bear with me, at least now I know what company to go with if I decide to do something like this again,

Just wanted to mention shipping will be delayed til Oct 18th I found out, we had an issue come up with the first company we were going to work with... then at no fault of anyone but my own I delayed finding another one debating on whether to try to do it myself or not... so needless to say were about 2 weeks behind... just wanted to apologize for that, and please bear with me, at least now I know what company to go with if I decide to do something like this again,


Grumble Grumble...ok ;)