Jeff Miller
On a light and humurous note.....
Over the course of the past few years some rather eyebrow-raising chasing devices has popped up around the plains...some so bold they stand out like a sunflower in a field of dandelions. Among these objects of unusual nature are the Infamous T.A.P. Washing Machine T.O.T.O. Wanna-Be, the Tornado Attack Vehicle with the gigantic BUSHRAG on the back, and the Tornado Intercept thing by Steve Green and the Boys with tornadofighters. Not naming any of the above specifically, it's obvious some of these types of things are just attention-grabbers while others of these things have been proclaimed to have lofty goals by their producers. The object of this thread is NOT to slam the producers of said objects -- chasing is a free and unique hobby -- but to ask the simple question... what is the most unusual chasing object or creation you have ever seen, wondered about, chuckled about or simply wondered "How in the world does THAT work" or just a simple "why"?
Over the course of the past few years some rather eyebrow-raising chasing devices has popped up around the plains...some so bold they stand out like a sunflower in a field of dandelions. Among these objects of unusual nature are the Infamous T.A.P. Washing Machine T.O.T.O. Wanna-Be, the Tornado Attack Vehicle with the gigantic BUSHRAG on the back, and the Tornado Intercept thing by Steve Green and the Boys with tornadofighters. Not naming any of the above specifically, it's obvious some of these types of things are just attention-grabbers while others of these things have been proclaimed to have lofty goals by their producers. The object of this thread is NOT to slam the producers of said objects -- chasing is a free and unique hobby -- but to ask the simple question... what is the most unusual chasing object or creation you have ever seen, wondered about, chuckled about or simply wondered "How in the world does THAT work" or just a simple "why"?