Extreme American Weather - copies to contributors

Dec 4, 2003
As mentioned in the August thread on this subject I am supplying free copies of a book to those who came up with ideas for historical weather events.

Here are those whose contributions were used:
Mike Geukes - Great Blizzard of 1978
Jeff Wear - December 1990 arctic outbreak
Rodger Heckman - January 1977 Miami snow
Joel Wright - November 1998 land bomb
Angie Norris - March 1993 Storm of Century
Richard Halter - October 1962 Oregon storm
Tony Laubach - March 2003 Colorado blizzard
Mike Peregrine - 1991 Perfect Storm

To get a copy of the book, send me your mailing address and I'll get it shipped. I'm running low on copies already so if you wait too long you may have to wait a few weeks.

The book's page is located here.
