Experimental Art-Alien Thunderstorms

Jul 5, 2004
New Jersey
I'm not sure if this belongs here, but I guess it's related to weather in some way. Here's some experimental art. I've been doing illustration for quite a while, but I'm still trying to master Photoshop. I want to learn how to create storms in Photoshop. This is a first try. Not great-but a start:


Any recommendations on who does art of this type in Photoshop?

Wow Saul, that's actually pretty cool! It's is definitely unique and pretty stunning in my opinion.

I'm just starting to get my hands dirty with some of the more advanced capabilities of photoshop and you've inspired me. :) I'm signed up for a continuing ed class at a community college locally. I'm looking forward to it.

As far as knowing anybody doing something like what you are doing? I'm totally blank on that one.

When you do more, let us know!
Wow Saul, that's actually pretty cool! It's is definitely unique and pretty stunning in my opinion.

I'm just starting to get my hands dirty with some of the more advanced capabilities of photoshop and you've inspired me. :) I'm signed up for a continuing ed class at a community college locally. I'm looking forward to it.

As far as knowing anybody doing something like what you are doing? I'm totally blank on that one.

When you do more, let us know!

Thanks-but I'm unimpressed by it, actually. :p It's okay-but just okay. The lightning looks...meh. I hate the goofy outline in the lightning, and the clouds could look better. The overall feel is interesting, though.

I learned the techniques from some tutorials on the web. The reason I want to learn a bit more is that I was fascinated about Saturn's super-thunderstorm called The Dragon Storm (it's half the size of the earth). I'd like to do my own illustration of it in Photoshop. I'm taking some time from my writing right now to mess around with my illustration background.

Note: Artists are usually perfectionists, and I'm no exception. :p :wink:
Well, I was struck by the impression and concept you presented, not the technical aspects and technique. That's being too much of an art critic. ;-)

Actually the lightning being a stark contrast to the clouds is what makes it interesting. After all, isn't real lighting similar in contrast?

I looked at Ron Miller's site. Incredible is an understatement. He's got more talent in a single hair follicle than I do in my entire body. LOL!!
That's pretty cool too. I've been interested in playig around with abstract art and storms...particularly tornadoes. Of course, my methodology would be akin to throwing a bunch of paint on the wall in random fashion and calling it art. LOL!!!

Here's one last piece I threw together:



That was so cool that I got dizzy looking at it! LOL Now I'm interested in this too.

Basically, you're using a combination of tools: smudge, paint bucket, and brush. What you do is just use the brush to lay down a few colors. You can also use the paint bucket, but not too much, though. Then, using the smudge tool, you push the color around. You just play around and experiment. You can always change things around; you just have to figure out how to create the shapes and colors you need, and where.

Remember-the idea is to play around and make mistakes. If you don't make mistakes, you don't learn.

Creating Lightning In Photoshop

Here's your first assignment, boys & girls. :wink: Google is your friend-just search around the Net for different tutorials on techniques. :)

The colored outline in the lightning is not bad, but I would like to figure out a way to make it a bit more natural looking.

Wow! I'm about to browse over to our local community college website and take Steve's advice on a continuing education class on Photoshop.
Saul, thanks for taking the time to post the tutorials on techniques from your google search, I think there is a great amount to learn right here in my home office!
Being the visual person that I am I will probably end up in a class but this will hold me over for a while!

Thanks again... Good Topic!
Saul, these are wonderful! I hope you continue experimenting with these storm paintings.

I am a confessed lightning addict and play around a little with a program called PhotoImpact. (much the same as PhotoShop) I use a pen and graphics tablet and tend to do a lot of storm related artwork. Thought you might like to take a peek at some of my work.


I also use some of my sky photography as background for some of my drawings.

Saul, these are wonderful! I hope you continue experimenting with these storm paintings.

I am a confessed lightning addict and play around a little with a program called PhotoImpact. (much the same as PhotoShop) I use a pen and graphics tablet and tend to do a lot of storm related artwork. Thought you might like to take a peek at some of my work.


I also use some of my sky photography as background for some of my drawings.


GORGEOUS work!! I like it! :D

This last piece isn't storm-related, but this is some of the other stuff I do. Mind you-this is a rather large piece:

Actress Lucy Lawless (Xena: Warrior Princess)

This was done in Prismacolor pencils.
