Mike Smith
It just keeps occurring.
Please note the comments from the Star-Telegram article. My gosh, why did we taxpayers fund the NEXRAD network if they are going to wait around for multiple visual sitings and/or two consecutive volume scans ( = 9 minutes since the radar was set at 4.5 minute data intervals)?
“We like to have at least two volume scans in our vision, in our pocket, in our queue, before jumping on the warning message,” he said. “By the time we had that second scan that really made it clear we had a tornado, that’s when the warning decision was made.”
Read more at: https://www.star-telegram.com/news/weather-news/article276975443.html#storylink=cpy
Have you written your congresspeople?

When Did the NWS Decide to Get Out of the Tornado Warning Business?
"Local Storm Report" from the NWS in Denver-Boulder, 3:29pm MDT How would you like to have a 1,400 pound anything flying into your home? Wo...
Please note the comments from the Star-Telegram article. My gosh, why did we taxpayers fund the NEXRAD network if they are going to wait around for multiple visual sitings and/or two consecutive volume scans ( = 9 minutes since the radar was set at 4.5 minute data intervals)?
“We like to have at least two volume scans in our vision, in our pocket, in our queue, before jumping on the warning message,” he said. “By the time we had that second scan that really made it clear we had a tornado, that’s when the warning decision was made.”
Read more at: https://www.star-telegram.com/news/weather-news/article276975443.html#storylink=cpy
Have you written your congresspeople?