EVDO Router question - Gordon are you there?

Mark Blue

Former owner (RIP)
Feb 19, 2007

I was looking at the Linksys EVDO router (Model WRT54G3G-ST) dreaming of my chase adventures next year. I have a Merlin Novatel EX720 data card with Sprint service. I also have a SIIG Express Card/34 Adaptor so my Merlin card can be used in a regular cardbus slot. On the Linksys product page they have a link called "Supported Cards" that you can click on here to see what I'm talking about:


This is a quote from the above .pdf regarding the use of a broadband data card in the Express34 format with an adaptor:

Datacards in the Express34 format must use an adaptor to fit into the PC card slot of the router. Be sure you use the correct adaptor from the same vendor matching your datacard as they are not interchangeable.

Furthermore, I know Novatel makes an Express card adaptor (the Novatel ExpressCard/34 Adapter-XCA-3), but I've been reading on the EVDOinfo.com forums that even if you use the Novatel XCA-3 adaptor (as recommended by Linksys), the Linksys router does not have the driver available in the firmware that will allow it to work.

Here's my question, have you personally seen in action someone using the Merlin EX720 card with the SIIG adaptor I own (Part#: JU-EC0032-S1) in conjunction with the Linksys router mentioned above?? The SIIG adaptor I'm referring to can be found here:


I figured if anyone would have witnessed this working in action it would be you. I owe you one just for reading such a long post! I'll buy you lunch at this year's convention in Denver!!

Thanks in advance!
Linksys/Sprint router does not officially support expresscards

I was looking at the Linksys EVDO router (Model WRT54G3G-ST)...
Here's my question, have you personally seen in action someone using the Merlin EX720 card with the SIIG adaptor I own (Part#: JU-EC0032-S1) in conjunction with the Linksys router mentioned above??

Sorry Mark, the official firmware for that Linksys router does not support any ExpressCards.

There are some uber-geeks who have modded firmware to allow for use with some expresscards, but stability and support become an issue.

Right now, the best router for the EX720 is the Cradlepoint CTR350 or PHS300, using a USB-to-ExpressCard adapter. Here's a photo of a similar setup:
