eSpotter down

Apr 10, 2008
I keep getting a big red ERROR when attempting to log on to eSpotter.
I also get an error when attempting to have it send my password. (just checking it)

Is it my new IE 9 or is anyone else having this issue right now? ( see date/time of post)


It's broken as part of the NIDS team server rework from yesterday. There are many things that are not working and some will not be fixed until the Critical Weather Day ends.
I'm new to stormtrack but I recently loaded IE 9 and had issues using '' site to save youtube videos to my laptop from the video URL's. It required my load Java software when logging on to using Firefox instead. It was in Firefox that it requested I load Java. After that, I was able to save the video from the URL in youtube on my computer. Then I opened IE 9 and logged into youtube and copied the video URL and then went to (all in IE 9 now). Everything worked fine after that. Tim...Use Firefox web browser and see if it works from there first. Yes, some issues with IE 9 on my end. Hope this helps. Didn't know if you know Matt Starkey. He's my brother. He enjoys storm chasing and knows Tim Marshall and others. He's storm chased with Rocky Roschovich from Oklahoma before as well as with Charles with cloud9tours.
Good luck Tim, hope this helps,
Hi Mike,
Not to completely derail this thread but the service you're talking about violates the usage terms of youtube.