Erik Rasmussen's DRC Theory (chat log now inside!!!)

Dec 26, 2004
Booneville, KY
Well folks, I just wanted to let everyone know that #stormchase chat will have a big guest speaker next week discussing a very interesting recent topic....Erik Rasmussen and the Descending Reflectivity Core! This is the same topic he presented at Denver, so if you missed it there, you have an opportunity to hear the details again! He just replied to my email request earlier today and it looks like this chat will take place (very tentatively attm) next Wednesday, March 9, @ 8 PM CST.

Again, this is very early, but it looks like this date is good for Erik, as well as the chatters. But the time may or may not need to be adjusted, so just keep an eye on this thread. I will post any changes or updates as they are made. I just wanted to get the information out early so people would have time to prepare and spread the word. We obviously want a nice crowd present to make this worth Erik's effort. Now you have a whole week + to formulate any questions you might like to ask.

Due to the volume of people that will likely be present, a moderated chat will likely need to be used. That way he doesn't get overwhelmed with questions and the screen won't be blasting by at 90 mph. But we can try to allow people to pose questions that will be relayed to Erik near the end of the discussion. Let's just try to make sure this goes really smooth and everyone is on their best behavior that night.

Once again, if you are a user of IRC (mIRC, Trillian, etc), you can access the room by going to /server and entering #stormchase. If you are not an IRC user, you can use java to enter the chat. Simply type into your browser to join. Just be patient, as sometimes it takes a moment to fully load the page. Once you enter the room, you will be assigned a "Guest" username, but that can be changed to anything you like such "JohnD" or "JaneD" by typing /nick JohnD, for example.

Also, any questions or suggestions regarding this special chat are welcomed. I want this to be both a fun and educational experience. And I also want it to flow smoothly. So again, we have a week to get ready and prepared. Once Erik emails me back and confirms that the 8 PM start time is ok, we can start spreading the word.


OK, Aaron Kennedy has agreed to be the "question moderator" for this chat. He knows Erik and understands the DRC, so he would be the perfect person to give your questions to ask Erik. If we have 100 or more people show up, it may be impossible for everyone to get to ask a question individually, as that would consume an enormous amount of time. But you can pose questions to Aaron and he'll relay the best ones to Erik for comment. This should allow a chance to get the real nuts and bolts outta this discussion.

Sound good?

Sounds good to me...unfortunately, I have a commitment that evening until ~9 pm CST, so I'll have to get on late. This will be a really unique opportunity to talk with one of the foremost thinkers in tornado science. Dr. Rasmussen has already contributed a ton to our understanding of tornadoes, and it's great to see he's still going strong with new theory.

By the way, for those of you who don't know, Dr. Rasmussen was the field coordinator for Project VORTEX ('94/'95) and is a key player in the upcoming Project VORTEX ('07/'08 ).

Originally posted by Gabe Garfield
Sounds good to me...unfortunately, I have a commitment that evening until ~9 pm CST, so I'll have to get on late. This will be a really unique opportunity to talk with one of the foremost thinkers in tornado science. Dr. Rasmussen has already contributed a ton to our understanding of tornadoes, and it's great to see he's still going strong with new theory.

By the way, for those of you who don't know, Dr. Rasmussen was the field coordinator for Project VORTEX ('94/'95) and is a key player in the upcoming Project VORTEX ('07/'08 ).


Gabe, we'll be sure to keep a full log of the chat for those who miss part of/all of it, as well as for future reference. But hopefully you'll be able to get on in time to catch much of it. And the time may be adjusted a bit anyway between now and then, so hopefully it will work out for everyone.
Also, it seems some people may have issues accessing the java chat because java is not loaded on their PC's. I think this is especially true if you are a Win XP user. I have XP Pro and have only had this computer for one month, but java came with mine. I;ve heard that some people with XP don't have it. So if you don't have mIRC and you don't have a java capability, both are easy to download and use. But for those who don't have java, I recommend just getting mIRC to begin with, as it's much better IMHO.

If interested, go to and find a location near you and download the program. Once it's installed, open it up. You'll get a little box that pops up. In it, click "continue". Next, you will be given a bunch of servers/networks you can connect to. It doesn't matter which one you pick really, as we'll keep this simple. Just fill out your info such as username, etc and connect to one of the networks. Once you are there, close the little channel box that will pop up and type in /server and enter it. That will take you to the correct server. Heck, I didn't even have to set it on mine as after a couple of times it automatically made it the default network when I go to connect.

Now, once you get there, another channel box will pop up at the end of the scroll that provides server info, etc. When the channel box pops up, enter #stormchase into it and click join. It's that simple.

Again, mirc is not at all difficult to use. If you decide you'd like to try it instead of java or because you don't have java, give it a whirl. I'll check this thread often as I'm sure other chatters will and if you have any problems we'll coach you through it. Don't be intimidated by using this stuff just because it's new to you. You'll get the hang of it! Heck, if I could, anyone could! Hehe. And it can lead to hours of enjoyment when boredom is high.

Oh, and one other note......mIRC will tell you that you have a 30 day period to register and use it. The registration fee is $20. But after the 30 days you can still continue using it free of charge. I've used it for nearly 4 years and I've never been forced to register it. I don't know anyone who has. So don't worry about that.


It takes a while to load. Give it a minute and it will basically log you in on it's own. Let it load, there will be a bunch of stuff scroll up the screen. When it stops, simply type in /join #stormchase and hit enter and it will bring you in.

If that doesn't work, let us know and we'll go from there. But if it doesn't work following that procedure, you will likely need to download java as your machine may not have it installed.


It takes a while to load. Give it a minute and it will basically log you in on it's own. Let it load, there will be a bunch of stuff scroll up the screen. When it stops, simply type in /join #stormtrack and hit enter and it will bring you in.

If that doesn't work, let us know and we'll go from there. But if it doesn't work following that procedure, you will likely need to download java as your machine may not have it installed.


To download java
When it stops, simply type in /join #stormtrack and hit enter and it will bring you in.

I believe he meant to say /join #stormchase

Yes, I did mean #stormchase.

Geez, this gets too confusing at times. We have a board called Stormtrack and a chat called stormchase. LOL. Sigh. On a good day I can barely remember my own name it seems.