Owen Shieh
Thanks for the info Joel. Well, the person "at the helm" right now, Dr. Lyons, is indeed trying to hold back the hyping. That is why he went through the ordeal of standing in a wind tunnel up to winds of 165 mph and was determined to see what it feels like, even though it involved him breaking his own rib while trying to stand up straight at winds only around cat. 4 strength. He did this so he can safely tell when there is hyping going on in the media. However, in what I had said earlier, I did not mean to say that since he is laying down an iron fist on hyping, that it implies that there used to be a lot of "trickery" going on in the back with the winds. Somehow, I don't think many people at TWC knows about this "big fan" story. So this was certainly not an action taken by the "higher ups" in the organization. I dunno, I just would hope that this did not really happen. And if I do ever bring it up, I won't use anyone's names on this board so no one will take responsibility for the story.