eerily familiar in Eagle Pass, TX

I know which storm you're talking about though and I saved a bunch of images off GR Level 3 of of a supercell. Much like OKC 5/3/1999 one of those radar echoes that just screams "TORNADO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I commented that anyone in Eagle Pass who loaded the local radar image (without having seen the loop) and knew what they were looking at would have s***ted themselves. Fortunately for them, it moved parallel to the national border and never crossed.
I've been obsessed with these Mexican supercells since attempting to chase such a setup in the middle of the night in 2000.

The road network in that area east of the mountains is actually very good. There a few north-south highways, and one sw-ne highway that runs through Piedras negras. I wonder how dangerous it would be to chase over there. I'm thinking that once you get west of the border towns it would be like a spanish-speaking Texas Panhandle.

It appears that the terrain is similar to the TX hill country about 10-20 miles west of the Rio Grande, with a very flat plain just east of the mountains. I bet you can see forever out there. There must be some kind of mesoscale low-level jet that develops just east of the mountains as well.

I think the next time there is a setup, or even a high risk in Kansas....we're crossing the's a sure thing there. No mixing with such deep moisture, orographic upslope as an ever-present initation mechanism, and the possibility of a mesoscale low-level jet east of the mountains creating semi-permanent low-level shear. I bet there are 50 tornadoes in that area every spring after an El Nino winter.

I wonder with northeastern Mexico's annual March-May supercell maximum if there are any native chasers there who pay attention to these storms, or are at least out taking photos. Seems like if you were a Mexican citizen, you could take a chase vacation from March to late April each year to that area and do as well as we do up here, without ever having to cross the border into the US.
I'd be a little concerned, mostly spanish speaking, not a lot of english across the border there. Of most concern would be all the expensive gear and little to no law enforcement, and what there is may not be able to be trusted.
I was following COD on GRLevel3 and I saw them sitting in Eagle Pass for awhile, then the icon updated on the Mexican side before disappearing in, what I assume, is the complete lack of cell coverage across the border. I was suprised to see that a tour group could chase into Mexico with a full group of people (do they need passports?). It'll be interesting to hear their acconts and see their pictures.
Of course I would take my $500 vehicle over there...I have nothing to lose any way as far as expensive equipment goes.

I'd be a little worried about extended jail time for no reason.

I've been talking on my blog to a Mexican citizen about storm chasing over there. He lives 500 km away from this area, and said he would meet us at the border if we could give him a day lead time.

We should organize a massive caravan next year to head over there early spring. With numbers we would eliminate a lot of the risks.
I think I will just move to Del Rio. Probably wouldn't have to travel more than 150 miles at a time to see what is sure to be some awesome classic supercells a number of times per year practically in your back yard. Old faithful down there in Mexico can certainly be counted on to produce regularly.
I was following COD on GRLevel3 and I saw them sitting in Eagle Pass for awhile, then the icon updated on the Mexican side before disappearing in, what I assume, is the complete lack of cell coverage across the border. I was suprised to see that a tour group could chase into Mexico with a full group of people (do they need passports?). It'll be interesting to hear their acconts and see their pictures.

You don't need passports, just proof that you are an American citizen when you cross back. I used to live in Brownsville, TX and have relatives down there, and have crossed many times. If you have any sort of firearm when entering Mexico, automatic 10 years in federal prison. You don't want to even have an empty shell casing, which could cost you the same. (And I've heard of people getting 10 for it) You also have to have your family bribe the guards to feed you and protect you. A friends company car was stolen in broad daylight in crowded streets for not paying the little kid a buck to watch his car!

Police are corrupt down there, and the roads are mostly 45 km/hr, ONE lane, except for major interstates. I've gotten lost a few times down there taking the scenic roads back, and was stopped entering Mexico, because the x-ray machine thought I had a firearm. Fun stuff.

I've always wanted to chase down there too; I need to buy an 85 Buick Regal, and wear a sombrero and a fake mustache to fit in, because they leech off of Americans.