Editing HD video?

Has anyone had an issue trying to capture HDV through Premiere Pro? I can get it to work fine with Vegas but I get a "can't activate recorder, restart camera" message in Premiere.
Make sure you have the HD-enabling patch for Premiere installed - the original version won't support HD. It's a free download on their site.
If you're running 1.5, the patch is 1.5.1. 2.0 already has HD support, if you have that version or newer you should be good.
That may be the problem - HD support wasn't enabled in the CS3 trial version, I'm assuming CS4 might be the same way...
Does anyone know if there is a free download for Windows Movie Maker HD? Ive been looking for it for a while, cant find it though. I guess its not too big of a deal, Since im getting a new laptop, Ill just spend the extra $30 and get vista home premium (even though vista sucks, im not going to spend $150 for XP, cause 4GB of RAM should do the trick)

I have been asking myself the same question. I have 3 cameras, 2 digital, and 1 high def. I have a Sony DCR-DVD hybrid, JVC digital, Canon High Def. Does the Vegas Pro work for hybrids, and just digital recorders, or strictly high def? I am looking for something that I can format and then upload video to media etc.
Got my problem fixed. While I had selected HDV output on the camera, I forgot to select HDV in Premiere as the source. :o