Duh, huh!! Just noticed the sticky

Jul 17, 2004
Piedmont, OK
Now that I feel like a fool, Just noticed Tim's sticky....This sounds good to me, I'll be monitoring things close...Meanwhile, I'm sure things will crank up next week as I head to DEN to fulfill my dream of finally seeing U2 in concert....They'll be plenty of chasing afterwards.

Sorry again for the blunder! Rocky&family
Just as an FYI, you can delete your own posts by clicking on "EDIT" in the top-right of the post, and putting a check mark in the box that says "Delete this post" located in the list of options beneath the main text window (above the submit button). LOL I'm not saying that you should delete them, but didn't know if you knew that you could or not, since you may want to post in the Sticky thread relating to this topic.

EDIT: LOL Not sure if you can delete your post if I've replied to it... but if you want, let me know and I can delete it for you.