Donations to Eric Nguyen Endowed Scholarship

Dec 11, 2003
Denton, Texas
First, an endowed scholarship in Eric's name is being created at the University of Oklahoma, a place perhaps more special to Eric than any. The fund being set up for Eric is intended to be used for an Endowed Scholarship, meaning that the earnings from investments made with the money will sustain the scholarship well into the future. This means that after all of the donations are made, we will have a scholarship in Eric's name that will go on and on. Each year, his name and short biography will be distributed amongst faculty, staff, and students at the University of Oklahoma's School of Meteorology, in addition to helping students with interests similar to Eric's.


An account has been set up to receive funds at the University of Oklahoma Foundation. To make a donation online, you may use this link, making sure to add the statement "I would like my funds deposited into account #30918 (the Meteorology Scholarship Fund) in honor of Eric Nguyen" in the comments box in the "Gift Information" section. The rest of the Gift Information Section should be left alone.

To mail a donation, make checks payable to the "University of Oklahoma Foundation, Inc.", add a memo "For Acct #30918", and send to:
University of Oklahoma Foundation, Inc.
University of Oklahoma Foundation, Inc.
100 Timberdell Road
Norman, OK 73019-0685
Norman, OK 73019-0685
Please also print off THIS page, fill in your dollar amount, and send it with the check to make sure the funds get to the right account.

Last, we've created a webpage with all this information and where we'll post updates. Please refer to this page for information on the scholarship fund or the gathering in Eric's honor. We will update this page first and I can't guarantee that updates to or other online forums will be as timely. Please feel free to direct questions to me. Bob Fritchie and Rachael Sigler did all the work for this and they already have very busy lives; so I'm happy to follow up with questions the page might not answer.

Again, please thank Bob and Rachael who have moved mountains in the midst of a terrible loss.
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