Wesley Luginbyhl
I have been considering this is just one tornado, becuase the smaller funnel sort of came out of the bigger one. They seem pretty seperate to me, but I guess this comes down to the whole discussion of one tornado per meso. I was just curious though to what everone else thought.
This was in far NE corner of Kiowa county on May 5th. Here is a link to the video. Its kinda shaky when the second funnel is forming, but the road was horrible. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qoO9zqh63_o
This was in far NE corner of Kiowa county on May 5th. Here is a link to the video. Its kinda shaky when the second funnel is forming, but the road was horrible. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qoO9zqh63_o