Disrespectful Storm Chasers

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jeremy Den Hartog
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They certainly were on private property, they were taking imagery from inside (grant inside and outside was a little more ambiguous at that point) and they broadcast it on a major show.

Are you certain they did all of that and broadcast it without the owner's permission? That seems hard to believe.

Don't worry about it, learn some and move on we all do, most these guys in here are drama lovers, besides Jeremy they weren't there, they were home behind there computers jumping all over the newest Chat drama session. Learn some and move on buddy, and KEEP CHASIN'!
Again to be clear, the point wasn't necessarily to 'call out' someone or humiliate them, the point was to ensure 'due diligence' was done. From what I observed it wasn't in this case. Marcus did make an attempt at checking if it was ok to take damage photos - something I didn't realize when I made the original post. As Jason stated, I think most regulars here do a good job with these kind of matters - for the most part I'm not concerned with the regulars here.

I have a great deal of respect for Marcus. If I knew it was him, I would have addressed the matter privately with him. People make mistakes. It happens. Also as Jason mentioned, I'm not trying to make a huge deal out of this. At the same time, as a chaser I want to hold other people accountable if I see something that concerns me - just as I would want people to hold me accountable if I make a mistake (and believe me several people have in the past).
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Next time don't run home and jump on ST and start the latest drama feed, do your own due diligence!
what? are you the storm chaser police now or something? I'm not trying to be a jerk here, but you have absolutely NO AUTHORITY over anyone.

Ok I'm done replying, apparently Drew wants to blow things way out of proportion. People hold other people accountable all the time. Nobody is trying to be the 'storm chaser police' here.

....and Rocky what are you even talking about? I didn't come on here asking who it was that took the pictures. I simply expressed a concern I had in a way that I hoped the person who I had the concern with would see it (which they did). Quit trying to turn this into 'drama'. I'm entitled to expressing a concern.
Again, I always ask before shooting on private property. Just because you see media walking through houses/rubble/yards doesn't mean they're breaking the law.

I never said they were breaking the law. I merely stated you can find half a million videos on the internet showing the media walking through a yard, a house that's been destroyed, a business building, etc and as i said before, I don't know if they asked permission or not, I'm not there so how would I know? But you can bet it does happen, as I'm sure many times the media doesn't ask, and Im sure many times they do ask.

Well, I'm gonna tell everyone right now...if this is the biggest issue out there....then I can't imagine the vain popping, stoke inducing mood ya'll get into regarding other issues. I have and WILL take damage pictures. I can't speak to the attitude or disregard of safety, but I document damage with photos & video...have posted them here...not heard a word. I like documenting damage (it's the architect side of me). I take every step to show respect (asking first...if possible, avoid showing truly personal items, etc.), but it isn't going to stop me. We've all seen very private moments in photography/photojournalism. If you want to argue this, you are going to have to argue against the entire business.

Worry about the bigger issues...this is tiny!

haha, I just laughed at that one, but well said, and I definitely agree with all the points you made Jason. This thread should be deleted, it's a waste of server space.
Ok I'm done replying, apparently Drew wants to blow things way out of proportion. People hold other people accountable all the time. Nobody is trying to be the 'storm chaser police' here.

I want to blow things out of proportion? Lol, ok. You're the one that made the thread calling someone out for something trivial and ridiculous like this, if I was Marcus, I'd have told you to mind your own darn business.
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it has nothing to do with being mature Matthew. It's not Jeremy's place to begin with to tell other people what they can or can't be doing. He has no special authority over anyone and this "call out" thread is stupid and Marcus would have been justified in telling Jeremy to mind his own darn business.

This thread is rude and not needed in my opinion, should have been handled via PM or in person if he really had a problem. this thread is IMMATURE.
it has nothing to do with being mature Matthew. It's not Jeremy's place to begin with to tell other people what they can or can't be doing. He has no special authority over anyone and this "call out" thread is stupid and Marcus would have been justified in telling Jeremy to mind his own darn business.

This thread is rude and not needed in my opinion, should have been handled via PM or in person if he really had a problem. this thread is IMMATURE.

What part of 'I didn't know who it was' do you not understand (hence the reason for this thread). What part of my 'I would have handled it privately if I knew who it was' comment did you not understand? Jesus, least you could do is actually read the thread before commenting. BTW, maybe you should take your own advice about minding your own businesses. This thread has NOTHING to do with you so stop trying to hijack this thread with your nonsense when you don't even know what your talking about
Right or wrong, ethical or not.....one important thing to keep in mind when in a disaster area: If you walk up to a damaged dwelling (business or home) unannounced and poking around , you could end up being shot as a potential/mistaken looter. People after such a horrendous experience such as a tornado are terrified, in a state of shock, and extremely emotional and cannot be expected to exercise rational, calm behavior in a situation...especially if it is dark. Whether they can legally shoot you or not (and a resultant 20 page ST thread) is a moot point if you have a big chest wound courtesy of a 12-gauge shotgun. At the very least, law enforcement could arrest and jail you. Depending on a state's laws, they can charge you with any number of criminal counts. Something to keep in mind.
Right or wrong, ethical or not.....one important thing to keep in mind when in a disaster area: If you walk up to a damaged dwelling (business or home) unannounced and poking around , you could end up being shot as a potential/mistaken looter. People after such a horrendous experience such as a tornado are terrified, in a state of shock, and extremely emotional and cannot be expected to exercise rational, calm behavior in a situation...especially if it is dark. Whether they can legally shoot you or not (and a resultant 20 page ST thread) is a moot point if you have a big chest wound courtesy of a 12-gauge shotgun. At the very least, law enforcement could arrest and jail you. Depending on a state's laws, they can charge you with any number of criminal counts. Something to keep in mind.

Read it! Probably the best post in the entire thread.
Good points Steve. It certainly is a factor. This is why threads should keep a good calm collective and constructive criticism (or praise, or whatever). I haven't been ignorant of those points you made, but certainly worth mentioning (and a self reminder).
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