Discouraging Internet Photo Thieves

The only way I could think of, that would be almost fool proof, would be to somehow convert the image to a streaming WMV file. For example, have just the single image displayed for ~30 seconds or so as a movie file... This prevents right clicking, print screen, etc.. The problem is the length of time that the person can view the photo, and possible quality issues...
Print screen will still work with some videos if you know how to get around it.. for instance, I pulled a video still from a news site which was showing one of my tornado videos back in April. It can be done...


Print screen will still work with some videos if you know how to get around it.. for instance, I pulled a video still from a news site which was showing one of my tornado videos back in April. It can be done...



Well, you got me beat, cuz I can't figure out how to do it :lol:

My bet is, that would stop the majority of people, or at least 95% of them. It would stop the average joe who likes to post people's photos on TWC, or the people who like to quickly sneak the images over to their site, and claim it as their own.