Jason Boggs

I think it's a good idea to start a thread about dirt roads that show up as paved on Delorme Road Atlas. I've been thinking about this for a while and now is as good a time as ever to do it. We can all contribute to posting the roads we KNOW are dirt that show up as paved. Then we can go and edit our Atlas for GPS to show the results such as this:


OK, so here is an example of a road that starts out as paved but eventually turns to dirt.

RANCH ROAD 1260 SE of Clarendon, TX starts out paved for about 3 or 4 miles but turns into dirt all the way to Alanreed.
It's a good road when dry but don't even attempt it if it's raining or been raining. It is a very windy road and very slick when wet! I made the mistake of doing this and had to put my truck in 4 LOW to get out of that mess. I still barely made it.

N1980 ROAD East of Buffalo, OK that goes South off of US 64 starts off as paved but eventually turns into dirt.

For those that have Delorme Street Atlas USA 2006. Here is how to label the road as dirt like I did in the graphic above. Find the road that you want to label as a dirt road. Click the DRAW tab on the lower left part of the screen. Then click on the red flag on the tools section in the extreme lower left part of the screen. It will then bring up whatever little icon you want to use. I used the red X in the example above. Click the icon you want to use and click on the map where you want to the icon to be placed. Then a little text box shows up. Write whatever text you want to use. I used DIRT ROAD in the example above.
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I don't even remember what road it was but I remember it was like 15 miles north of Brewster, KS. Verne or Michael Carlson may know as we met up with them on this road...

It was in Northwest Kansas on March 24th of this year, Chris Wilburn and I along with Matt Kassawara, Chris Rozoff, and Scott Longmore had been driving down this road that had been paved for like 15 miles when suddenly it just turned into pure mud. What was even worse is that the west and east road was just the same. It was literally a "mud trap". We weren't the only ones that had our chase come to a halt at this location, we met up with Verne and Michael Carlson here as well.

I hope Verne doesn't mind me posting this, he took this picture of this mud trap and was kind enough to let me use it in my chase log to show what we encountered. I have this picture on my webserver so it's not pulling any bandwidth from Verne's site... but check this out..


Note: You can see me in this picture, I'm up by the muddy road in the black shirt on the left side of the mini van, Matt Kassawara is on the right side.

We encountered this numerous times that day, since my Expedition isn't 4-wheel drive I didn't even attempt to drive down it.

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Jason, that's interesting that your software version of FM1260 is shown as paved, because my paper version of DeLorme, (c)1998, has it as dirt in that spot. It even changes the road number to FM291 as you would approach Alanreed.

As for N1980 S US64, it is shown as all paved (also (c)1998), but you have to follow a section where it goes to the SE, becomes N1990, then make a 90 degree turn to the E just N of the Woodward cty line, where you're on E0270, S to E290, and E over to Hwy34.

I'd be interested to hear from anyone who could check that out and verify.

Joey, my paper, (c)1997, says CR2 goes N out of Brewster and is paved all the way to McDonald. Could you have been on something other than CR2?

I use MapSource Topo w/Garmin, and it's not the best for highway navigation, but I have never once had it lead me onto a dirt road in error.
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Joey, my paper, (c)1997, says CR2 goes N out of Brewster and is paved all the way to McDonald. Could you have been on something other than CR2?

It's possible. I'll check Vernes site, I know he had the exact location (i think) in his chase log and see.
Bob, this is what Verne has under the picture in his chase log:

"The 'Chaser Trap' got us about 15 miles north of Brewster, KS where many including Andy Fischer, Chris Rozoff, Matt K. and his group and Joey Ketcham and I suddenly had our chase haulted by mud at the end of the pavement!"

I had actually meant to save the GPS log that day, but after the long drive home and getting home at 5AM I shut off the computer without thinking.