Digital camera question..

Feb 19, 2004
Erie IL
I've thought about leaving my camera in my truck so I have it available to take pictures if I'm out and about and need it. The problem is I'd have to leave it out in my truck all day while at work with temperatures inside the truck no doubt surpassing 120°. Where I work we aren't allowed to take such devices inside the building for security reasons. Would the camera safely be able to consistantly withstand these temperatures? Or, should I play it safe and leave it at home during the day? Do any of you guys routinely leave your equipment in you vehicles?
You can put your gear inside a small cooler. The inside of the cooler will not get very hot even if it sits in the car all day. I used to do this with all of my 35mm cameras and film.

A Pelican case doesn't insulate quite as well as a cooler, but can be locked. I worry more about theft than heat when I leave my gear in the car.
A cooler is a great idea Dan and all. What I do however is keep my stuff in the trunk in my soft camera type bag that does not cook inside the trunk. Works well for me for several years.


You can put your gear inside a small cooler. The inside of the cooler will not get very hot even if it sits in the car all day. I used to do this with all of my 35mm cameras and film.

A Pelican case doesn't insulate quite as well as a cooler, but can be locked. I worry more about theft than heat when I leave my gear in the car.
WGN in Chicago ran a little story yesterday about the NWS (in Chicago) doing a test on how fast the inside of a vehicle can heat up after being air conditioned. In ten minutes the temperature rose from 83° to 134°! They also predicted the heat index inside to be up near 154°!

Since I lack the convenience of a trunk, and my truck bed is uncovered, I've decided not to take the chance of damaging it. At least until it cools down some.

Thanks for the suggestions!