Davis Vantage Pro 2 vs Oregon Scientific WMR968, need advice

Dec 26, 2004
Booneville, KY
Both are wireless stations. Both have similar features and functions. The biggest difference is price. The Oregon Scientific model is $249.95. The Davis is $459.00.

I have heard the Davis has more reliable sensors. Obviously, I don't want the thing breaking within a few months of getting it. So if the Davis really is that much better, I suppose that's the model I'll go with, though that price will definately stretch my budget just a bit.

The other thing, I noticed reading over the specifications that the Oregon Scientific model only takes wind measurements once every 14 seconds. It seems that would really make recording wind gusts extremely difficult. The Davis updates wind readings much faster, like once every 2-3 seconds. So that is another thing really pushing me toward the Davis, since I want to be able to use this for making accurate spotter reports.

What say ye Storm Track members? If it were you, do you think the extra $$$ for the Davis is worth it? Or do you feel the Oregon Scientific is good enough as to not justify spending an extra $200+ for the Davis? Any experiences with these two brands you might wish to share will be appreciated.

Hello George!

Without any doubts the Davis is a much better weather station. Indeed, it takes measurements a lot faster than the Oregon. But the question is, is it for scientific use or fun fun?

I think that if you want a station just for the fun of it, for educating your kids maybe or to get average measurements, the Oregon station will do the job just fine. If you want more precision, than the Davis is a go for sure. Also another big advantage of the Davis is that the transmission is better, you can put it a 1000 feet away, the Oregon 300 feet...

This is one of those areas where the old adage "You get what you pay for" applies. Davis Instruments, is by far the better of the options for the consumer weather stations. They are used in many commercial applications as well. You've hit on the major reasons to go with Davis over OSI with the update frequency.

However, OSI does give a pretty good bang for the buck. I can't say the instruments are less accurate as they all appear to be in the +/- 1 degree range on the specs, so it's really a matter of what you want to do with it and what you can afford.

If you're really wanting accuracy and willing to splurge, you will want to look at the RM Young equipment.

I chose to go with Davis a while back and haven't regretted it at all. I went with the less expensive Weather Monitor II (old cabled) as it provides what I need to report back to my station with. I do have the data logger option available to me, just been too lazy to get it all hooked up and running to the laptop.

Good luck on your choice!

Thanks fellas. I may just end up splitting the difference in cost and go with the cabled version of the Davis Vantage Pro 2. It has 100' feet of cable, so that should be enough to give me the clearance I need from the obstructions around my home. The price for one of those is $339.00. While still not cheap, that is still over $100 less than the wireless version yet still a very good quality unit. Unless my mind changes, this is probably the direction I will take. Thanks again for the recommendations.
I was at a store today talking to a guy about the Davis Vantage Pro 2. I have been looking at the Oregon Scientific stations as well, but the update times, max. wind speed on the anemometer, and the overall quality has convinced me to go with the Davis.
John, do you have yours mounted at your house or on your car? I have seen the bigger anemometers on some chase vehicles(Texas Tech), but I couldn't ever find them until you mentioned RM Young equipment. Do you know if you are going to get much more out of the more expensive equipment from there? I am thinking the Davis will be as accurate as I need it to be, but I am a little worried about whether or not it will hold up to the beating it is going to take on the roof of my car. I am also a little worried that I won't be able to measure peak gusts when hurricane chasing, but I shouldn't be out in >150mph winds so I doubt that will be a problem.
If all you want is an anometer use these guys instead of a full blown weather station:


I have the WMR968 and the parts are pretty crappy..but for a hobby/home weather station it works. The anometer unit got water in it and I had to replace it after 2 years. However, My wife likes all the temperature sensors around the house.

I'll be upgrading to the Davis gear in the next couple years.

Mine is mounted on my truck. I have it mounted to a telescoping pole so I can move it up or down a few inches.

I would recommend getting a few extra cups for the anemometer. These tend to go pretty quickly, especially when you mash a Meadowlark or two. Other than that, the constant motion will wear it out a bit more quickly than a normal non-moving station but the newer (Pro Vantage series) heads can be replaced easier than my older one.

The RM Young equipment is Scientific Grade equipment and costs accordingly. I would say that unless you are doing minute measurements of small windfields or are sending your data logs to NSSL, you should be able to get by with the Davis equipment. Since I'm basically reporting wind speeds to a radio audience and local EOC, I don't need resolutions down to millimeters per second. Half a mile per hour increments with a fudge factor of + or - 5 mph is fine with me.

Again, it really depends on what you are planning to do with the data. NOAA certainly likes it and it's certainly better than no data at all, but it has been pointed out in the past that the prosumer instruments aren't always reliable enough to get the research Met what he wants.

There are other things to take into account, such as the Bernoulli (sp?) effect and the distance you need to get out of it. You will also have to figure in vehicle speed, direction of travel, ect. It can get complicated rather quickly. For a reasonable guestimate though, the Davis stuff works great. I have measured winds at 88 mph and had another report of 102 mph two miles from me. Both were accepted as official by OUN. Both were measured by Davis Instruments mounted on stationary vehicles.
Well we us the OS 918 cabled and wireless stations. The 918 is on its third van. Never have replaced any parts on them and one has 300,000 miles on it. as far as the wireless modle the only problem I have had is lightning got the wind sensor and transmitter. Temp and wind information match noaa station near by. I have found no reason to spend more and wil continue to buy OS equipment. To view the three units that the station has been used on got to www.wxtech.com