Copyright Infringement Reports (Review guidelines in post #1 before posting here)

Dec 8, 2003
Grand Forks, ND
Thread Rules

Stormtrack promotes the lawful use of photographs and videos by its members. If a user discoveres copyright infringement of any member's work, we ask that you please PM that user directly. If the pirated work encompasses multiple users, you may either PM every user seperately, or make a copyright infringement report within this thread. In the case that copyright infringement is suspected, but the work is unidentified, a post may also be made. We ask that discussion in this thread be limited to identifying the copyrighted work.

Reports of copyright infringement should be limited to this thread. These type of discussions should not appear on the rest of ST.

The Stormtrack Mods
Hurricane Katrina Copyright Report

I found this video out there that has a ton of my stuff and looks like other chasers and news clips.

I'm posting this here since they claim that:

"All footage and still images were shot by Lord Chaz, Joshua, and their neighbor Glenn Theriot ( with a bit of help from Lord Chaz' diminutive "side-kick" Daemon ). "

Double check the footage to make sure they are not using your stuff and calling it their own if you have katrina storm or aftermath footage.
Checked over there tonight, and the video is gone. Did you happen to save a copy Doug?

It is down now. I did save a copy on my hard drive and I think I put the fear of god into the dark lord theater guys for using my footage and saying they shot it.
What we need is another topic here about web design and code to protect images and video. A lot of people out there try to use are work to get web traffic for their sites to sell advertising. It is really no different then any other media now where its all about the advertising $$$.

There is a lot of different scripts out there that can be helpful without helping the competition out too much. Tim, can there be a photo video rights protected code only topic?
You guys might want to check through here and see if your stuff is there, or if you gave permission. I found several of mine I have had to contact YouTube to get removed. My copyrights were cut off the bottoms of my videos.

I tried to contact the guy directly, but he has blocked anyone that is not on his friends list. I posted a comment about it on one of my videos he had requesting he remove it and he deleted the comment within 10 min but left the video up.
I tried to contact the guy directly, but he has blocked anyone that is not on his friends list. I posted a comment about it on one of my videos he had requesting he remove it and he deleted the comment within 10 min but left the video up.

Youtube is pretty good about removing stuff quickly, not that it makes it any less of a hassle. Several times users that I've reported for taking my stuff have even been banned.

Also, a quick FYI for anyone who has any trouble with footage/photos taken and posted online: get a lawyer. It's easier than you might think. Find one that doesn't charge fees to you and only takes commission when he gets a settlement or wins a court case. There are many out there. Most cases are slam dunks for the copyright holder, the infringer never has a valid defense.

I got tired of patrolling the net for my stuff getting ripped off for nothing. By the time I find it and demand removal, the site owner has already got his traffic and ad revenue for it. If money changes hands (IE, submission fees or ad revenue), then the DMCA protections are null and void. From now on I'm just handing the cases over to the attorney - the infringer will have to deal with him and work out a settlement. No more free rides for the infringer and no more hassles for me.
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