Converting Flip MinoHD video


Feb 15, 2009
Rapid City, SD
Recently I bought a Flip MinoHD camcorder and have used it while storm-chasing. I want to edit some of the videos I have taken with it (speed it up, remove sound), but the programs that I have on my computer (Windows Movie Maker and Macromedia Flash) do not recognize the video format. I believe the format for the Flip MinoHD is H.264 .

Are there any software programs (especially free ones!) that recognize this format and allow you to edit video? Even if the program just converted the video to a different file so I could edit it with Windows Movie Maker, I would be happy.

I did find this site online (, but I wasn't too sure if H.264 was equivalent to any of the mentioned video formats or if this free program was reliable.

Any help with this matter would be great. Thanks!
Good day,

The best bet is to get Quicktime Pro (the player WITH export, for about $30) and export it to AVI / any other format.

1). Download Quicktime from Apple's site (for Windows or Mac, depending on your system). You have a link in the program to do this, pay them, and they give you a key to activate the features.

2). Activate the Quicktime Pro feature (enables export and many other features).

3). Open the H.264 (MPEG 4) video file from Mini HD camera.

4). Choose "export" and save it to new format (such as DV, AVI, etc).

This is the best conversion choice and works great!
Some (most) of the flip cameras require you to install their codec, that while based on H.264 is not straight-up H.264. Once the codec is installed, anything should be able to convert it to something more usable for editing.