College of DuPage 2006 severe weather conference needs help!


Dec 17, 2005
Chicago, IL
Fowarded from Paul Sirvatka, College of DuPage...

This is a letter explaining what we are trying to do. We are headed to the
last few days I can still make a decision about this conference. As many
of you know, I found out that the conference was about 1600 more than i
had origianlly budgeted. Since we already have pushed the limit of
registration fees, I am hoping to find some corporate sponsorships. If we
can raise about 2500 dollars, I think we can go ahead and have the
conference. Donations will be tax deductible since they can be given
through the student chapter of the AMS.

The conference was scheduled to bring in some of the nations top experts
concerning severe convection, primarily in terms of forecasting and
convective initiation. We intended to hold this conference at a setting
where there would be ample time to mingle with other meteorologists,
students and "experts." We had several meals planned where we would assign
seating charts to encourage such communication that is often lacking when
groups stick together. We also had it planned in a setting where social
interactions could take place. The Hyatt Hotel in Lisle has a great
meeting place with bar and many seats in their main lobby . We had planned
a lot of free time because it has been my experience that time spent in
this setting allows for networking and interaction that are vital to
people's professional growth, creating lifelong relationships. Much of
what I know about severe weather forecasting I learned while drawing ideas
on a napkin and discussing it for hours in a very informal setting.

The main intent of the conference is to bring together undergraduate
students and professional meteorologists and allow them to hear much more
in-depth presentations than other conferences concerning material that is
on the cutting edge of severe weather meteorology. Panel discussions would
also open participants to understanding some of the finer points of
controversial subjects: not everything presented in the classroom or in
the technical manuals is cut and dried.

I am hoping for support so that this unique conference may take
place. Thank you for any and all of your support in making this possible.


* Paul L. Sirvatka | *
* Professor of Meteorology | COD Weather Lab: (630) 942-2590 *
* College of DuPage | Address: 425 Fawell Blvd. Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 *
Email: sirvatka "at sign"
Well i wish i could help out. If there is a conference, i woudl definitely be attending it. Lisle is only about an hour or less from my house, so it would make for a nice short trip.

Good luck guys!

I'm certainly no expert at this, but this is what I suggest:

*Work up a presentation to show at local TV stations to see if they wish to sponsor your event. Depending on their budget, they might have an interest in supporting the convention shortage for exclusive rights.

*Contact vendors that sell weather services or goods within your state to see if there is interest for participation in return for event support.

*I hate to say it...because I love to eat....eliminate some of the "provided" meals to drop the cost to an affordable level. It's amazing what this does to the bottom line.

I wish you guys success. Last one I attended was great!
