Originally posted by Jeff Snyder
Are you BamaStormChasr on Howardforums? If not, try posting to the LG section of that forum and see if someone can help you (someone w/ the alias of BamaStormChasr inquired about this on Howardforums, though I suspect, since you're in AL, that it may be you LOL). If you are, then I don't know what to tell you. I looked through the LG site to see if they had instructions on tethering, but didn't find anything. For my Moto MPx220, there is a menu selection called "Modem Link", in which I need to choose to activate the USB modem. IF I do this, then I can set up a dial-up networking connecting in Windows and connect successfully. There's usually a driver that you need to install to get this to work, however. Did a disk or anything come with data cable kit?