Chilean Volcanado

Mar 28, 2009
Hagerstown MD
Thought some of you might be interested in taking a look at a Pyrocumulus.

At least I think that is what you would call it.
If it rains ashes, maybe its a pyrocumulonimbus.


Look for the anvil, the "mammati", the lightning, the day-night contrast on the west and east. One shot almost looks like a tornado coming off the back side.

I wonder if I could get a poster of this ?... Definitely suitable for framing !
"I wonder if I could get a poster of this ?"

I have looked at other images from getty images, and they had digital only options last I saw. Maybe they make an exception, for a certain price.
Is it the pumice that gives the lightning the reddish color?

Could be. Normally, if lightning is reddish it is blamed on oxidation of nitrogen.
This the case with red sprites above thunderstorms.

There might be other chemical reactions going on there as well.

Volcanic out-gassing gives out a lot of sulfur compounds, and TONS of water vapor.
Many sulfur compounds are reddish also. Lightning is hot enough to initiate all kinds of
reactions that would never occur under normal conditions.

Forgive me, I am such a science geek. Those photos make me think geology, chemistry, electricity, meteorology all at once. Major geek head-rush here.
There are some great pics here too

I especially like these:
