Cheap Weather Radios


Dec 12, 2006
Longview, TX
(I hope this is posted in the correct area.)

Vector FM and NOAA Weather Alert Radio with Flashlight- 2 Pack
$19.99 + $5 shipping

Pretty good deal. You get two S.A.M.E. weather radio's for $25. Just thought I'd pass this along to others. They make great gifts for others! (One is for me and the other is for my parents!) :)
Frankly, I was getting my gear ready to go last week, found my scanner had issues and needed to be replaced. I researched my options for a new scanner, found that I could purchase a HAM without having a license first. I purchased a hand held HAM with WX for $130, which was only $30 more (and smaller) than the scanner I was looking at. Was also suprised that the external mag mount antennia I already owned was perfect for my 2m transeiver as well, and I only needed a small adapter, another $13 dollars.

THis was a no brainer for me, as I was planning on adding HAM next year.

Even after I purchased on Thursday I was still planning on not getting licensed until after the season, however I learned that there was a test in just 3 days. On Sunday, I studied for the tech license for 3 hours, took the simple 35 question test that evening and passed. My call sign is on its way. It was that simple.

Now I have another communication option.