Chase topic minefields

Should just create a standing thread for each of the topics and let the debates roll on and let everyone get their gripes out in one area. 99% of chasers here and everywhere else are amateurs. Everyone does it for a different reason and with different level of skill. If anyone is making their full time living doing it, then they can be considered a pro. The chase community should really come together with some etiquette on how to responsibly chase. Nobody is really any more important than any other member of the general public out on the roads. It'd greatly improve the issues with law enforcement/emergency responders and the general public. I agree with the lights as a hot topic, there's no real need for them. I have had a surplus traffic advisor bar and strobing amber taillights on my car for 10 years. I think I've activated them twice in that many years chasing. One for a tree down over the crest of a hill at night and another for a flooded roadway during a storm. Standard 4 ways will do all you need 99% of the time. The rest is just wanting to feel more important.
This type of middling stuff is what drives away newcomers. That's all I'm saying. it should... If you come here wanting to puff your chest with a 105 LED light bar and a dozen Skywarn stickers - you're in the wrong forum. There are plenty of Facebookology groups where you'd be far more welcome.
Well, the question that hinges on this discussion is quite simple. Do you want to welcome more people into the hobby? Do you want to actually help mold new chasers?


Are you a cantankerous old man who wants to stand in the front yard, waving a cane at "those damned kids" and chasing away anyone who threatens "your dominion"? Because if you want to do that, a Rotary Club or an ARES group may be more your speed.

In the days before the debut of The Great Internet Hate Machine, we let people make mistakes in a controlled fashion, so that they learned. They are called "teachable moments". We didn't light out after every slight perceived infraction with the goal of blackballing and driving someone away so thoroughly that their reputation is ruined forever.
The original post reads, "I thought it might be beneficial for newer members to see a list of topics that are almost guaranteed to elicit a negative response on the forum and on social media. This isn't to discourage the discussion of these topics, just to prepare the poster for some of the responses. In other words, if you talk about doing any of these things, you need to expect criticism and have some thick skin in preparation."

That is not a condemnation of topics. It's just a heads-up from a veteran of this forum who has been through the flame wars, knows the turf, and wants to make newcomers aware of historically hot subjects. He wasn't judging anyone, not discouraging anyone from talking about whatever they want to (as he plainly states), just saying, "Know what you're getting into." And he's right. Over the years, I too have seen newcomers get their heads shot off over exactly the topics Dan has mentioned; not everyone here is gracious. The fact that this thread has devolved into a point of contention just underscores what Dan was getting at. Thankfully, and typically, the contentiousness here is balanced by other thoughtful comments that make for fruitful discussion, James Caruso's being one that struck me.
I am new here and have to say that this appears to be a less than welcome environment. I may need to find a less uptight group of weather enthusiasts that still recognize that there is a 1st Amendment. Throughout my life I have run into people who have done something for a long time and don't want to give any ground to the new guy. That is the vibe I am getting.

This is such a false and broad brush statement about something that you admit you are new to. See some storms, post pictures and reports here, get involved in some discussions, have a few disagreements, it's a part of life. I think you'll learn that it is not as uptight of a place as you think. Don't run and become immediately offended, like everyone seems to do these days. I think if you were to simply get involved on this forum you would recognize that it is a fairly welcoming environment as long as you have some common sense.
See some storms, post pictures and reports here, get involved in some discussions, have a few disagreements, it's a part of life. I think you'll learn that it is not as uptight of a place as you think. Don't run and become immediately offended, like everyone seems to do these days. I think if you were to simply get involved on this forum you would recognize that it is a fairly welcoming environment as long as you have some common sense.

Yes, that's it exactly. Well said, Mike. There are some insanely bright minds here (or in some cases, just plain insane) with loads of experience and education, both academic and practical, who are eager to share their knowledge and encourage growth. This is not at all a formidable community--it is a generous one. But it is a community of sorts, and it pays to learn its ins and outs and diverse personalities.
I had my then 16 year old son out driving at night last year. After a county road 4way stop, where he then pulled inline behind a car traveling the same direction as us. My son, while right behind this car, turned his brights on. These were those blue ones that I personally don't like too. I told him "Vinny, shut your brights off" as we illuminated the inside of this person's car like a police cruiser. He looked at me and said "why?" And I mostly joking said "so you don't get shot!". Now, if I wasn't with him and the other driver ended up shaking his fist at my son or something, he would of come home and told how some crazy driver acted mad at him for no reason.
My son, with his lack of experience, had no idea what he was doing was annoying to other drivers. I have no idea if he is still showing off how bright his brights are into other people's rear view mirrors, but if he is doing it now, he does understand that not all drivers like that.
I look at this forum the same way. Getting other people's opinions, even if you don't like them, helps you make better informed decisions.
I keep a low profile. The only thing you will notice is an extra antenna and a small magnetic amber strobe light that gets turned on maybe once or twice a year. I know a lot of people do not like any extra lighting, but I make my decision knowing this.
There will be a wide range of opinions on most topics. Enjoy and embrace other's opinion's, especially those with which you may not agree. Those opinions are probably based on an experience that is different from your own.
Likely excuse to have a needless Skywarn magnet on your vehicle. You have no substantial evidence to back up your theory on whether or not your tiny little Skywarn magnet resulted in having fewer stop and asks from police. It's pure randomness. In all the years I've been storm chasing, the times I've stood along a highway or dirt road at night shooting lightning, take a guess at how many times I was approached by law enforcement... just guess. The answer is 0. I never had a Skywarn magnet on my vehicle, and yet all these times I stood along highways or dirt roads at night not once did I have a cop stop.

And just so you know, when a cop is pulling in behind a vehicle he's focusing on the license plate and the surrounding environment, he's not looking at your Skywarn magnet. lol

I have had one interesting run in with Police in Kansas during the Lacrosse May 25th chase, other than that we have been pulled over once in 8 years of chasing for speeding.
Then the SAME DAY, we got pulled over again by a very friendly Sheriff in Colorado who wanted to know if we would send pictures of the ghost white/ rainbow tornado during May 9th 2015 to him!
Yes, I'm Serious....
I sent him the pictures a few days later...

This was the Sheriff:

Cool guy, we took some pics with him also.