** Changing of the guard - moderator change **

Dec 4, 2003
Stormtrack would like to announce a few departures and a few arrivals on the staff roster.

The following retirements all have taken effect today.

David Drummond retired from moderator and technical administrator duties a few weeks ago due to time constraints. He is putting in some hours with his web hosting service, http://drylinehosting.com , which is highly regarded among the regulars here and is well worth checking out (in fact I'm putting his banner ad in rotation for a couple of months in thanks for his efforts). He's still around so you probably won't miss his expertise here.

Jason Boggs is stepping down from his moderator duties to take a break. We appreciate all his help during the latest spring season. As with David, he'll likely still be here daily (or close).

Jeff Snyder, one of our longtime veteran moderators, is also retiring from moderator work due to increased time constraints with his degree program. Thanks, Jeff, for what's it been, about 3 or 4 years? I know it's been awhile.

One moderator has committed to staying on board.

Dan Cook will continue as moderator. His experience during the past year will help us make a smooth transition with the changes this month.

Coming on board
We have new moderators whose positions have taken effect today.

Chris Nuttall is a new moderator. He's a 2005 OU meteorology graduate who now works for the NWS AMA, rounding out our team for cutting edge representation from the professional meteorology sector.

Brandon Sullivan is a new moderator. His call sign is KC9ILN and he gives us some perspective from the Midwest and with the equipment/radio/electronics aspects of the hobby.

Sam Sagnella is a new moderator. He's an OU student who been with us for about 4 years and holds a good reputation among our departing moderator staff. He'll give us a bit of university & Norman community influence.

We will probably be adding one more moderator in another week (maybe; we're not sure yet). We did get a good group of applicants and if it looks like another addition is needed we will all work to figure out who's best for that last slot.


Good day to all StormTrack-ers! It is with much sadness, respect, and thanks that we wave goodbye to the most recent batch of moderators, whom have put so much into this site over the past few years. A whole-hearted "thank you" to the three of you for all of your hard work -- it certainly shows.

I would also like to take this opportunity to say 'hello' for the first time as a moderator myself on ST. I do not take this position lightly, nor myself too seriously, and intend to bring everything that I can to the table at StormTrack -- through working to build relations among the chasing community, continuing ST's reputation as the premier forum for storm chase FCSTs/REPORTs on the internet, and by promoting/facilitating discussion of topics that members find important and interesting, among other functions. [/run-on]

There are many of you whom I have met in my four years of chasing, and many, many more whom I have yet to, and look forward to getting to know in the coming seasons. My PM box will always be open to those who have questions, comments, or concerns, and I will always make an effort to respond honestly and expeditiously to any that I may receive. Hello, again! :)
Thank you Sam for the nice comments.

I enjoyed being a moderator very much. It was very interesting to get to see the "behind the scenes" stuff that goes on here. As Tim said, I stepped away to take a break and allow some new faces to get a chance to take the helm as a moderator. I hope I made somewhat of a difference on the board when I became a moderator. I tried to be fair and I tried to be as helpful as possible.

I know the 3 of you will do a great job as moderators.
Hello Everyone!

First, I want to say I am happy to be a new member of the moderator team! As Tim mentioned I would like to bring the electronics aspect to the table.

Just as Sam said, anyone that has any ?'s feel free to PM me and I will respond as quickly and reliably as I can.. I look forward to being an effective, and well rounded member of the moderator team. Those before us have done a great job and I am anxious to continue that trend!
I pretty much echo what Brandon and Sam said. I've been around this place since 2001...seen a couple of incarnations and my fair share of meltdowns. I never have posted a lot, but decided it was time to start giving back to the chasing community.
I want to briefly come out of my self-imposed ST retirement to say a few words about Jeff Snyder. I had the pleasure of working with Jeff for a year as a Stormtrack moderator. Jeff has always been fair, level-headed, judicious and stuck by the ideal and rules of Stormtrack. I personally appreciate the enormous contribution he has made to this board, especially as a moderator. I hope that all future moderators will live by the standard that people like Jeff have set. Be judicious, fair and never let your personal feelings dictate your actions. Always seek consensus.

I'd also like to take my hat off to David, he has certainly put an immense amount of time into this board. There is nothing glorious about being a moderator as it requires quite a bit of time and commitment (and will inevitably make you somewhat unpopular to some people) however being able to foster and facilitate a place where we can all come together and share our passion is noble and worthwhile...