Canon release EOS 30D

Unfortunately, this isn't much of an upgrade. I guess I shouldn't say "unfortunately", since now I won't be tempted to dump my 20D. :) If they'd come out with a 1.3 or a 1.0 crop camera in the 20D pricerange, I'd be selling my 20D on Ebay in a heartbeat. The only thing that annoys me is that the resale value of my 20D is about to go down $300.

Honestly, the only worthwhile thing that the 20D adds is spot metering. Oh, how I miss spot metering. But is spot metering worth $300 to me, especially since I have a handheld lightmeter? No way, Jose! The big screen in the back is cute, but won't make pictures look any better when they're printed. The pictbridge is pretty useless for anyone who cares about their images (i.e., just about anyone willing to lay down $1400 for a camera!). The longer-life shutter is definately a plus, but I figure I'll have sold my 20D well before it blows itself up.

BTW, the 20D also uses a CMOS sensor -- it's identical to the 30D sensor.

C'mon, Canon! Give us a freakin' full frame camera for under $1,500! :lol:
Originally posted by Stuart Robinson
It still has the 1.6 mag issues than many digital cameras have (unless you spend big bucks) has some 8.5m pixels and now a CMOS sensor instead of a CCD.

From what I've read, the sensor in the 30D is the same as that from the 20D...
OK, I am gonna go hog wild here and say we have a wait until the full-frames are under $1500...... say 3-5 years? Oh, I can't wait until the day will come. Until then, I'll be cheap and stick with my P&S with all its shortcomings.

And yes, I don't see this as an upgrade. It is more a fix. The 20D SHOULD have had spot metering on it when released. And PictBridge is generally not worth much to most people.
Originally posted by Jeff Snyder+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Jeff Snyder)</div>
<!--QuoteBegin-Stuart Robinson
It still has the 1.6 mag issues than many digital cameras have (unless you spend big bucks) has some 8.5m pixels and now a CMOS sensor instead of a CCD.

From what I've read, the sensor in the 30D is the same as that from the 20D...[/b]

I run with a 10D ~ so i was thinking of that. Overall I am not really sure how much of an upgrade the 30D is.