Unless you are planning to stream for friends and family or have a large fan base where you might cover the gas money and bandwidth charges from AdSense, don't waste the time on streaming.
What? why? I'm not saying this to keep you from streaming, I'm saying this to keep you from wasting your money and bandwidth. For the most part, streaming is dead or is so toxic now it is only very rare cases that it will be picked up after the fatal wreck in March.
Why so? I talked to all the networks executives and or management that I work with and after what happened at the end of March in Texas with the fatal wreck, live streaming is dead for a business model in chasing. Unless the stream is coming from a TV station employee the major networks won't touch live streaming. Exception is if you just might happen to catch a wedge and you are parked in a safe spot and selling girl scout cookies at the same time (kidding about the cookies), the liability now is so huge, you have a better chance of getting viral video of an airline employee taking a passenger to the isle United Style.