Camcorder or Webcam to stream

Mar 5, 2010
Cascade, CO
Hey peeps,

I have been using a lifecam as my streaming camera but am pondering a camcorder. I have a HD Camcorder that I use on a tripod once stationary.

Would it be worth it to use that to stream? I would have to buy another camcorder to tripod.

Worth it?
If the camcorder has a webcam mode (is able to send its live feed out via USB), then by all means. However that's sort of an uncommon feature. For models that can't do that, you'd have to output via HDMI to a USB-HDMI capture card. For streaming I'd say stick with the standalone webcam.
Unless you are planning to stream for friends and family or have a large fan base where you might cover the gas money and bandwidth charges from AdSense, don't waste the time on streaming.

What? why? I'm not saying this to keep you from streaming, I'm saying this to keep you from wasting your money and bandwidth. For the most part, streaming is dead or is so toxic now it is only very rare cases that it will be picked up after the fatal wreck in March.

Why so? I talked to all the networks executives and or management that I work with and after what happened at the end of March in Texas with the fatal wreck, live streaming is dead for a business model in chasing. Unless the stream is coming from a TV station employee the major networks won't touch live streaming. Exception is if you just might happen to catch a wedge and you are parked in a safe spot and selling girl scout cookies at the same time (kidding about the cookies), the liability now is so huge, you have a better chance of getting viral video of an airline employee taking a passenger to the isle United Style.
I wonder if Kory Hartman would say this? I have sold streaming content every year (including this one). I only kick on the stream when I am on a tornado warned storm or something serious.
Eric, Have you tried streaming since the fatal accident back in March through Kelly Martinson? (Kory Hartman is a stage name). Live streaming per the networks is basically done due to the liability issue with the lawyers now which is why they are defaulting to station affiliate feeds.
Not sure what you mean by a stage name??? Kory Hartman owns Severestudios. Stream has only been used locally since that accident.
Because I'm trying to save you from wasting money and correcting you about someone you told me to ask. The deal is, due to the fatal crash and the liability wake up call the TV networks got from their lawyers, unless you work for a network or station and are under their insurance, storm chasing and streaming is virtually done. So unless you want to stream for your friends and family and fan base on line, it is going to coast you more then its worth since the market for live video is gone. Save your money.
Streaming is such a pain in the ass anyways. I can't think of anything that detracts more from everything that is enjoyable in chasing. By and far the most liberating thing I did was stop worrying about streaming. Enjoy the storm, take your pictures and video, then share with family and friends via FB/YT after that; much better quality and experience.

If that's not your cup of tea, stick with streaming with a webcam, wireless bandwidth is too crappy in many cases and many places in chase country to even be able to tell the difference between a handheld and a webcam. Who cares if your 3-7 FPS 240p stream looks a tiny bit crisper right?
But having a TV name has nothing to do with this...but ok. I mean you have a nickname too Doug. My stream has been picked up locally recently and I know that TWC is still pulling feeds once in a while. Costs me so little to stream. I will continue to do it. My question wasnt to do it or not, but the equipment used.
Being ex LEO, I can't see why lawyers would think its such a bad thing, unless of course your client was paying someone to livestream. In fact, unless you regularly drive with your head up your backside, are not prone to running stop lights or signs, passing in a no passing zone, running people off the roadway or excessive speeding, then a live camera (dash cam) or a live stream could be your best friend in a no fault of your own accident. There's a reason they call them silent witnesses.

Sent from my iPhone using Stormtrack
When I first started chasing I went with someone that live streamed. He focused on that more than driving and the storms. If it went down he lost his mind. Because of that and the fact people would see you if you drove badly (We all do sometimes) I have choose to never stream.

There may be an easy way to do it but from what I have seen it is too much trouble with little reward. I focus on selling video instead.