Call for new moderators

Dec 4, 2003
I'm putting out a call for new moderators. We are accepting two candidates. If you are interested in volunteering, please toss your name into the hat.

We are not going to run a poll this time, as we're aware that some of the best qualified people may not want to subject theirselves to a popularity contest. Myself and the other moderators will try to pick the best person for the job. If you feel strongly about a candidate, do not reply. Instead, PM me (the PM button is below) and endorse them or lodge your complaint.

With the spring season coming up, weather or chase experience will count, as will a good rapport with our membership.

Well, I guess I will be the first to throw in. I did the moderator tour of duty here in the past, would love to do it again. 8)
I would like the oppurtunity to serve as your Moderator. My Email box would always be open to all who have complaints, gripes, grievances, etc. And if it is within the TOS I will always act without hesitation. I believe in fostering a releationship of respect so that Stormtrack can continue to thrive.

After all, we are here to share in what we love, not that which divides us.

-Scott Olson.
I'd LOVE to volunteer myself for this position. It's really quite embarrassing how often I'm on here (LOL), so I'd be available to offer any necessary assistance pretty much 24/7.
As always - you know I'm here, Tim. Consider my name in the hat - as it is perpetually whenever you need some help.

I have a lot of time on my hands every day - even when I'm at work - and I could moderate the board effectively between 8.30am and late night every day.

The most important thing to being a moderator is to be willing to implement and enforce the rules and regulations as the current moderatorship and administration wish.

I was thinking, "they'd never want me;" but then Pat Lawrence suggested I volunteer. "You're one of the least argumentative around..."
I guess he hasn't read some of those political flamewars in the archives. :shock:

I'm on most days and could dedicate maybe 1/2 hour per day to the effort.

I'll toss my hat in the ring...I read here more than I post, and I'm almost always online. My career is dealing with the public when they aren't happy, so this would be a natural extension.
