Dec 4, 2003
We're getting a bit short-handed with all the severe weather action and we're behind schedule on bringing new people on board, so effective today we have openings for two new Stormtrack moderators. Feel free to throw your hat in the ring by responding here or by PM.

I would have to look back at our planned moderator schedule to decide whether this will be a popular election or an individual we choose. I think it may be both but I'll have more on this later when I see where we're at.

This opening requires that you have no extensive chasing commitments and that you are already on Stormtrack regularly every day or two. It's basically an opportunity to participate in the board in a different way. Stormtrack is not a business and does not bring in a lot of revenue but I don't feel right having moderators do extra work for free, so we do offer an honorarium of $25 (Paypal) or a $50 voucher on items for each term of service.

This opportunity closes on the evening of Monday, May 24.


I would be interested in becoming a moderator on the site. I visit the site very frequently and do not have any chasing commitments.

Thank you.

What's involved in being a Mod? Don't have chasing commitments, a frequent visitor to ST. I'm interested, Tim.

Thank you in advance for your consideration,
I would like to offer a backing for Karla as a moderator, if not for actual experience, but because Karla's motivated and passionate about chasing. I think she would offer a good balance to the other mods who might be more advanced knowledge/technically. Just my 2 cents worth.
I think Karla would make a good moderater just because she is a very nice person and she treats everyone with respect. She also has more time to moderate the forums.
In light of her commitment and passion to chasing and time available I would also lend my support for Karla as a mod.
What's involved in being a Mod? Don't have chasing commitments, a frequent visitor to ST. I'm interested, Tim.

Good question... the requirements are basically:
- level-headedness -- can moderate a thread without getting swept into drama or taking things personally
- maturity -- can take responsibility and admit when a decision is wrong
- personal integrity -- a person who members feel they can trust
- a basic working understanding of chasing or meteorology -- can follow the nuances of threads

The function of a moderator (straight from our moderator guide) is: "(1) to promote friendly interaction among all users; (2) to facilitate a high signal-to-noise ratio on the discussion boards; (3) to be supportive of new, promising members; and (4) to inject new ideas and discussion into the forums when message activity is slow."

Since I need to spend a little time with family tonight this opening window will be extended a little bit into Tuesday morning or afternoon, but I can't promise any fixed cutoff time past midnight.

Last February when a call went out for Moderators I searched out the past threads and bookmarked them for future reference. Here are a couple of them I found that talk about responsibilities, as well as who was chosen before the last call earlier this year when Tony, Skip, and Jeff were selected.

I would also like to be considered for Moderator this time as well if I may.
I'm willing to lend a helping hand and add my name to the list of applicants. I am reaching the end of my tornado chasing and I won't be too active till hurricane season. Don't let my post count fool you, I lurk quite often on here and I have some minor moderator experience in other non-chasing forums. I know a little something about the weather too.
I give my approval for Karla to be a moderator. She has a true passion for weather and has proven to be level-headed and does not partake in the drama.
Thanks all... I think we'll be closing this out tonight so any last minute additions please send them in.
