Built new chase vehicle

Turn around don't drown works well when you can see the floodwaters to avoid them or they don't ambush you. There are plenty of times where I've been driving at night through some MCS on the way back home where I could barely see the road in front of me let alone any potential floodwaters covering it. You can pull off to the side, but even then you could be swept away in a flash flood.

Your design looks like a nice one... I'll be interested in hearing how it holds up. :cool:

Ryan ......turn around don't drown !!! And I dont mess with water.... worse case scenrio is my mini sledge to bust the front windshield .. also the sawzaw ..How I designed the truck the arms are on there own seperate batteries inside the truck in an enclosed case . Any cons with the truck has been thought out and dealt with . Took 1 year to design and 1 month to build .
Seriously dude????? Dont be ignorant man. Me and my partner have been chasing for many years and I have thought this design out due to my experience in the field and the countless problems that you can run into while chasing, flooding, large hail, lightning, tornadoes, high wind I know all the hazards very well. MCS's really arnt worth my time anyway, but if you happen to be floating along the side of the road give me a jingle ill come pull u out!!!
Good job Michael. looks sharp and it sounds like you put alot of thought into the design. If there are any flaws, you will soon know and will remedy the problems. I like what you have done. Keep up the good work and designs and may you and your partner(s) have a safe storm season!
Field test have been done ..1) Mapleton Iowa outer edge of tornado "not intentional as I have NO plans on driving into a tornado " the back cage saved something large from entering the truck ! Lost window but head was saved from debris !
Are you going to attach any aftermarket lights? Seems like it would be a good idea, large KC Daylighters would look great.
So here it folks ... The real deal fully Functional Chase vehicle .. Bulletliner poly coating, exoskeleton ..3/4 inch expanded metal with 1 inch bulletproof glass panels .. fullt retractable cage with seven 18 inch 36volt actuator arms .. dual batteries ... external 360 rotating camera ,no not a dome those are to expensive lol .. And seats five comfortable





I saw this vehicle on my way home from Thursdays chase. I stopped to get gas and this thing pulled up.

Pretty cool I must say. It even has a tornado siren on top =)