Broken Youtube Embedding in Imported Forums

May 25, 2012
Albuquerque, NM
I'm sure it's been noticed that Youtube embeds from the imported VBulletin forums are no longer working due to different markup. I was wondering if there were any plans to retroactively fix those youtube links (I'm sure it would probably be a regex pain). I'd be more than happy to edit my own posts with broken links, but I understand the decision to lock posts after several minutes.

Not sure what the right answer is here. But there seems to be a lot of fondness for the old REPORTS threads, and they definitely seem a little dilapidated in their current state.

Also it should be noted that the stickied "How to embed a YouTube video into your post"
post is pretty outdated.

Thanks again for the hard work everyone has put in to the new forums!
We will look into this. There might be a batch change that can be made in order to fix the links/code. Thanks!
Seems like it would be a real regexp pain as you say, although I imagine it could be done. I don't know if I feel comfortable manipulating the whole database like that though
After doing a little research on this, it appears there is a content find-and-replace tool add-on. I'll look into that.
Here is a link where the current BBCode for Xenforo can be found:

Perhaps we should create a copy of this in the FAQ section so it can be more easily found. It's currently under the Help section which can be accessed from the footer menus. I have an idea on how to fix it, but will research it before I jump from the frying pan into the fire!