Boy Scout Fund Opened...

Feb 8, 2005
Metropolis, Illinois

Family Connections, Inc. has partnered with the friends and family of one of the scouts from the Glenwood, Iowa area to help promote a fund that has been established at First National Bank in an effort to raise money to help in the rebuilding of this training/camp area in Little Sioux that was lost on Wednesday June, 11.

If you would like to help, you can make a donation at any First National bank location to the "REBUILDING TO HEAL" fund. First National Bank locations are listed below.

Any help you can give will aid in beginning the healing process and help to rebuild the facility that has helped to promote positive ideals and skills to thousands of midwest boys.

Action 3 News Story...

As an old scout (3rd Pinelands Cape Town South Africa) my heart goes out to the scouts of Glenwood. The movement does a great job worldwide.

The tragedy brought to mind this article by Charles Doswell, that famous meteorologically minded scouter.

This article should become prescribed reading for all scouts wherever in the world they are.
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