Blog from within downtown New Orleans

Mar 30, 2004
Buhler, KS
I found out the registrar I have my personal website domain with operates out of downtown NO. One of their employees is keeping a running blog, including a webcam from within their office, plus pages and pages of pics they've taken from their location. It seems they have plenty of auxilliary power. I haven't seen the media report the business angle yet. Anyway here's a link to the blog:
This is an excellent find. I just spent the last 45 minutes reading this -- it's very compelling.

The most recent post to his blog is quite good:

Thursday, September 1st, 2005
10:46 pm
The Real News
The following is the result of an interview I just conducted via cell phone with a New Orleans citizen stranded at the Convention Center. I don't know what kind of garbage you're hearing in the mainstream media or in the press conferences from the city and state officials, but here is the truth:

\"Bigfoot\" is a bar manager and DJ on Bourbon Street, and is a local personality and icon in the city. He is a lifelong resident of the city, born and raised. He rode out the storm itself in the Iberville Projects because he knew he would be above any flood waters. Here is his story as told to me moments ago. I took notes while he talked and then I asked some questions:

Three days ago, police and national guard troops told citizens to head toward the Crescent City Connection Bridge to await transportation out of the area. The citizens trekked over to the Convention Center and waited for the buses which they were told would take them to Houston or Alabama or somewhere else, out of this area.

It's been 3 days, and the buses have yet to appear.

Although obviously he has no exact count, he estimates more than 10,000 people are packed into and around and outside the convention center still waiting for the buses. They had no food, no water, and no medicine for the last three days, until today, when the National Guard drove over the bridge above them, and tossed out supplies over the side crashing down to the ground below. Much of the supplies were destroyed from the drop. Many people tried to catch the supplies to protect them before they hit the ground. Some offered to walk all the way around up the bridge and bring the supplies down, but any attempt to approach the police or national guard resulted in weapons being aimed at them.

There are many infants and elderly people among them, as well as many people who were injured jumping out of windows to escape flood water and the like -- all of them in dire straights.

Any attempt to flag down police results in being told to get away at gunpoint. Hour after hour they watch buses pass by filled with people from other areas. Tensions are very high, and there has been at least one murder and several fights. 8 or 9 dead people have been stored in a freezer in the area, and 2 of these dead people are kids.

The people are so desperate that they're doing anything they can think of to impress the authorities enough to bring some buses. These things include standing in single file lines with the eldery in front, women and children next; sweeping up the area and cleaning the windows and anything else that would show the people are not barbarians.

The buses never stop.

Before the supplies were pitched off the bridge today, people had to break into buildings in the area to try to find food and water for their families. There was not enough. This spurred many families to break into cars to try to escape the city. There was no police response to the auto thefts until the mob reached the rich area -- Saulet Condos -- once they tried to get cars from there... well then the whole swat teams began showing up with rifles pointed. Snipers got on the roof and told people to get back.

He reports that the conditions are horrendous. Heat, mosquitoes and utter misery. The smell, he says, is \"horrific.\"

He says it's the slowest mandatory evacuation ever, and he wants to know why they were told to go to the Convention Center area in the first place; furthermore, he reports that many of them with cell phones have contacts willing to come rescue them, but people are not being allowed through to pick them up.
I don't know what kind of garbage you're hearing in the mainstream media or in the press conferences from the city and state officials, but here is the truth:
Well, he's right about one thing; he obviously does NOT know what "garbage" we are hearing from the mainstream media. What I am personally hearing from the media is pretty much the very same thing he thinks none of us know.

The only difference I would note is that he conveniently left out key facts that the mainstream media isn't leaving out. Like how everytime they try to take buses, boats or helicopters out to rescue these people, they get attacked. It is no wonder that they are more than a little defensive.
The thing that I keep wondering about is how many real occurrences are there of rescuers being shot at?

Is the media blowing that out of proportion?

Is the gov't/rescue operations being overly careful to the point of negligence?

I'm reserving judgement on where the fault lies with the stranded masses.
I try to put out of my mind the thought that a manageable number of incidents done by who-knows-who are being seized on to blame the recovery mess on, but it's beginning to look more and more like it.
The thing that I keep wondering about is how many real occurrences are there of rescuers being shot at?

Is the media blowing that out of proportion?
All but one of the shootings I have heard of, I heard on the scanner feed as it happened. Nothing on the evil media about it, so no, I don't think they are blowing it out of proportion. It is very real, and the media is underreporting it.
The media mentioned the "rumor" that someone was shot at the superdome, but the Governor or LA chastised them and told them to stop disseminating false and dangerous rumors like that. She said that everyone that went into the superdome was screened and that there was definately no shooting in the superdome. Of course, those of you listening to the scanner when the Nat Guard trooper was shot in the leg and they cornered the suspect in a lockerroom and then called for the homicide unit... well, you know different.

The information in and out is being controlled by two aspects right now: the fog of war, and government disinformation.