Bennett-Strasburg, CO Snowstorm = 2 feet

Nov 6, 2004
Dodge City, KS
I got home this afternoon after an awesome snowstorm experience! If you saw Roger Hill's WX-Chase post about the incredible snow totals... well, it's not an exaggeration. You enter a different world east of Denver. Definitely two feet of wet snow in spots, and a couple low spots in Bennett had some major league ponding of water on the streets. Wow. Below are a couple of photos from Bennett, CO: More are posted here . I'll be posting many more on my gallery page over the next couple of days.

Mike U

Caution, ~400kb images
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Nice pics Mike! Congrats on your first snow chase of the 2005 season.
A CoCoRaHS volunteer near Bennett reported a total of 24.5 inches of snow. This same station had a one day total (for 10/10/05) of 16.5 inches of snow with a snow water equivalent of 3.24 inches! Up here we had a total of 7.6 inches of snow.