Baron Mobile Threat Net

-Mobile Threat net has lower resolution radar, no direct access to base velocity maps.
-I have intermittent connection issues. Sometimes the software looses it connection to the radio, I also once had the maps off centered by ~20 miles. Others may have not had these issues.

-Always have reflectivity data (which was nice the other day in NW OK where Verizon sucked) and a proxy for base velocity info using the 'shear' map.
Jeff Piotrowski works for Baron Mobile Threatnet, he would be the one to make an inquiry with, he knows everything there is to know about the service.
Jeff Piotrowski works for Baron Mobile Threatnet, he would be the one to make an inquiry with, he knows everything there is to know about the service.
As cool a guy as JP might be...I'd bet he wouldn't really take the time. The best advice is to do the search in old threads. There is plenty of reading around the net.
