
Are you asking how to add an avatar?

If so, go to User CP, then click on Edit Avatar. I don't know if ST is allowing avatar uploads, so your best bet is to upload your image somewhere else and link to it.
You guys don't have a "Custom Avatar" box under the delete avatar field? If not, then I'll bow out to let Tim answer... Interestingly enough, I do see an avatar in Josh's Profile, though it doesn't show up in these posts.
The only panel I get when I bring up the "Avatars" info is this:

"Your Current AvatarNo Avatar Specified Avatars are small graphics that are displayed under your username whenever you post.
Do not use an avatar
Note: if you have a custom avatar selecting this option will delete it."​

There is no option to add one - the only box to check is already checked and it says "do not use an avatar".

I feel a bit naked without my sunglasses. :cool:

Something's still not quite right Tim. I'm trying to upload a jpeg that's 90x68 and 18kb in size but keep getting an error message saying "This is not a valid image file".

EDIT: Works now that I've uploaded it to a photo hosting site but wouldn't work when I was trying to use it while it was on my computer.
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