Bob Hartig
For all of those who, like me, got stuck in the farmer's field in South Dakota on May 22, this is a prompt to send the farmer a check if you haven't already done so.
My understanding is that if any one of us is delinquent in paying, all of us will get clobbered with a much larger penalty. The sheriff mentioned a figure of $5,000 per person. I for one don't care to find out whether that's baloney. So remember: Deadline for paying the farmer what at this point amounts to simply damages and towing is June 21.
My understanding is that if any one of us is delinquent in paying, all of us will get clobbered with a much larger penalty. The sheriff mentioned a figure of $5,000 per person. I for one don't care to find out whether that's baloney. So remember: Deadline for paying the farmer what at this point amounts to simply damages and towing is June 21.