Asus laptops

Jul 16, 2008
Hello everyone, I've been researching a replacement laptop and came across some of the mini laptops. I find it interesting that some of them use a solid state hard drive. This would be good in the harsh environment of a chase vehicle. Just wondering if anybody has used one of the ASUS laptops? I see pricing is around $350.00.

I'm a big fan of ASUS products. I've owned quite of few of their motherboards and never had any complaint. Needless to say, I've built a lot of computers for myself and others. But I've never owned one of their laptops, as I just purchased a Hp four months ago and I intend on keeping it awhile. But if I were to get another one, I would but an ASUS because the foundation/motherboard is excellent.

If you are looking at their smallest entry, I have read good revues of it, even though it has a small screen. I think I would shoot for at least a 15" screen - but that cost quite a bit more. But worth it - IMHO!
Someone on the GR3 Owner forums said that GR3 worked well with smoothing on the Asus eeepc 1000h (the one with the 10" screen and 80GB HD).

I just ordered one last night for $449 at, so I'm hoping that it has enough power to run GR3 along with the cellular internet card and GPS mapping apps.

If so, that would make it one heck of a small chasing laptop.

Btw, I am planning to upgrade to 2GB of RAM, as it seems to be extraordinarily easy. (One person called it less than a 1 on a 1-10 scale with 1 being easiest to upgrade and 10 being hardest).
I have an Asus gaming laptop and am happy with it so far. I would be ecstatic with it if I didn't have to run Vista 64-bit, but you can't have everything, I guess. In general, Asus has a great reputation for quality motherboards.
Late into this thread, but since I own an Asus laptop I thought I would comment on how resiciliant this piece of machine is in my eyes! The other day my cat attacked my ancle as I was eating Coco Pops infront of the computer watching a UFO documentary, and I turned the bowl upside-down above the keyboard. I had milk oozing out from the battery bay and rim of the computer the rest of the day. I vacuumed the keys and the area below them, but couldn't get inside, so I let it be 24 hours and it now starts and runs fine.

Thankfully all my precious documents were on a derelict computer, that restarts every few minutes for a half an hour after i start it. I think I'll switch to Rice Crispies to minimize the damage next time lol.