
Nov 13, 2007
Maplewood, NJ/New York City
Hey Guys,
Please forgive me if this has already been addressed, but can GR2AE be run on a mac by using parallels desktop or another kind of partition? I'm probably going to be getting a macbook for college, but probably won't if I cant Run GR2AE. Its that important :D...
I believe a couple others have gotten GR to work on a Mac using Bootcamp (based on messages on the GR forum), but it's not stable. But, there's absolutely no support for anything other than true windows OS. So if you have problems, it will be peer support only, and not support from the software developer.
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Using bootcamp you'll be just fine as you are natively booted into Windows then and it'd be supported. Using Parallels or Fusion or CrossOver is something completely different. None of the virtual machines support all the pixel shaders necessary to make AE work. Basically, none of them are FULLY DirectX 9 compliant. Fusion is close, but not quite there.

GR2Analyst and GR3 both work with VMWare 2.0 (Fusion). By no means is it a smooth experience, but you can run it this way.
Not to mention you could buy a couple or more Windows-based laptops for the price of 1 Macbook. Just some food for thought...

If you price out an equivalently configured Windows laptop from a trusted brand, you'll find that the Apple premium that there used to be has vanished for the most part. Now it's just a bit more, but you're getting some actual useful software in iLife on it.

I still think Apple designs computers better than anyone else and if you need a Mac for some stuff, just boot camp it for 'real' Windows, or Get Fusion 2.0. Just get a nice big hard drive any you'll be fine.

I personally still can't stand editing video on a Windows computer other than for the 10-20 second clips for uploading... I do all my real editing in Final Cut so I wouldn't shy away from a mac at all. Yes, for chasing, you do need a Windows machine to use all the great software out there.

is there any talk of releasing any GRLevelx for apple? I would think they would have to at some point seeing as Macs are getting more popular...
No plans right now as it's built on directx, which is a Windows-only API. He'd have to convert it to the CoreAnimation format which is based off of OpenGL.
What kind of problems could I expect if I did try to run GR with VMWare or another partition?
When I used to run it on bootcamp the only problem I had was that some of the settings weren't saved when I booted to Windows and tried to run GRx. However, this was the first beta edition. I never tried after that.

As for VMware Fusion, the response is a little slow for panning / zooming. I didn't try any of the smooth animation / smooth imaging stuff though.
Yeah, the MBP will be better because you get discrete graphics from ATI. You could then use the Apple drivers or Catalyst. That'd work well for anything bootcamping it.
