Anyone Trying Windows 7 Yet?

I ran the beta for quite some time. Seemed ok, no drastic bugs.
It reminded me of when w 2000 came out. then XP. XP seemed to be what 2000 should have been when 2000 came out.
I don't think windows 7 is that dramatic of a change from vista, but it reminded me of the above scenario. Just seemed like Vista should have started like Windows 7 is.

my .02 worth anywho
I had to setup a new business computer system network while out in Ca for my vacation and we added 2 Acer 64 bit Vista systems and I am not impressed with Vista at all. It has been locking up both comps whenever it wants.
Everyone I know complains about vista but I have yet to have a single problem ... Other than gps with 64bit but that's not really a trouble it's just compatability.
I use it when out streaming and it works great with all my weather apps
Well I posted the last post and then burned the ISO and installed Win 7 fresh rather than an upgrade and now have Windows 7 Ultimate running. I am finally putting my 64 bit system to use. Already seems faster.
Does anyone know what it would take to connect my home computer to the network I set up In CA via the internet? What method would I use to make it similar to having it in the local network?
Been testing Win7 for several months, each release gets better and overall the folks in software dev here are impressed. But yeah, it's Vista 2.0 ;)
Yea same here with the toolbars. Otherwise it's pretty cool but takes some getting use to. I don't really care for the dumb down start menu. Only things that has really bugged me is the fact that I can't stretch a wallpaper across both monitors.
Just for fun I tried running GR3 on it and it won't run. I get (sorry, not at home right now) something like unable to find DirectX 9 capabilities. I updated my DirectX and downgraded it and still won't run. I am running it on Sun Virtualbox which might be part of my problem even though I enabled accelerated video.
I'm no techie, so I don't play with stuff to well after they are released and bugs worked out. However, my local chase buddy is one of the tester people that gets each release like way early (even says they are done with Win7 and starting to work on Win8).

We used his laptop with Win7 on it and hit did well. There are a few features that seem to make life a little easier for switching between windows. It ran smooth during chases, including streaming, GR2AE, looping sat., chat room, and tons of more windows open. It does seem to run better.

Techie folks always love new stuff, almost to a fault. I still will not use "Seven" until it's available off the shelf, and likely not until Service Pack 2 (also under development I'm told). I've used this philosophy since starting with computers in the 80s and haven't had hardly any issues the past 25(+/-) years.

Edit/add: GR3 also worked fine. All this was on a Lenovo (formerly IBM)
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Just for fun I tried running GR3 on it and it won't run. I get (sorry, not at home right now) something like unable to find DirectX 9 capabilities. I updated my DirectX and downgraded it and still won't run. I am running it on Sun Virtualbox which might be part of my problem even though I enabled accelerated video.

Odd as I am having no issues with GRLVL3 whatsoever.

The only thing that seems to be broken is that each morning it refuses to get internet connectivity until I reboot it again. Highly annoying.
One thing that I noticed with Win 7 is that it doesn't do well when removing/uninstalling software...

But this true of of a lot of OS's. I'd like to see them make an OS that can REALLY do a CLEAN removal. No registry clutter or odd bits of software littering the OS and the HDD. This is the kind of thing that leads people to re-install their OS after they have used it for so long and experimented with software they no longer use. The result is a sluggish computer and overall dissatisfaction if this isn't done from time to time.

Even some of the better system cleaners really don't work as well as they would like you to believe. The only OS cleaner that I still like, use, and approve of is 'CCLEANER'. Good stuff, Maynard...It works on Win 7 too - so I consider that a plus...