Anyone heard of this outfit?

reply to my e-mail that was sent to them...

"It's not that we were not going to
ask, but that things are rather hecktic right now."

RIGHT. You can imagine how hectic the weather is here in the upper midwest states at this time of year.
I can't help myself here. This is from the NOTICE! they posted:

"...nor have we tried in vain to impeach anyone"

My first thought was, if they have a perfect record of impeachments, I have a great idea for them!

LOL!!! :D
Storm picture thieving is getting so common lately it's going to have to have it's own catagory in the forums soon! :lol: Talk about a hall of shame!
Our site has never contained any materials, photos, or the like without first obtaining proper permissions, nor have we tried in vain to impeach anyone. However, a recent discovery by a few people, possible storm chasers, has brought it to my attention that such was the case.

They NEVER take anyone's material without permission, but ooops! Guess we do!

Hey, you "possible storm chasers". :D
Too funny.

Judging from Andrew's post at the responses, think someone maybe lurking around ST. :hiding:

I must offer my apology for something. In an earlier message you said you liked our site, with so much plagiarism,
well after reflection and such, I may have misjudged you. See, I actually thought you did like our site, when it turns
out that you really don't like it. I thought I was being kind by accepting the fault and correcting it, and you accuse me
of \"plagiarism\"!

I did not ever take a thing from anyone, Jim did that. And I let him go. I think you are wrong to accuse me of doing
something I never did. If you don't like our site, then don't use it anymore, but please cease the accusations without


I like how he put the two dollar signs at the end of the my 10+ years online I've seen plenty of people go out of their way to emulate the NWS, but this takes the cake........ :sign5:

I may be wrong, but if memory still works, I think this guy was posting on some AOL wx boards I moderate back in the spring. I went to check the back postings on the board to confirm, but they had already fallen off the time frame they delete them.

If it's the same person, he was posting on there, trying to sound real official and looking to "hire" people to do forecasting etc. I emailed him for fun pretending to be interested, and what I got back then was pretty amusing.

Again, might not be the same person, but it was midwest something, working up in that area. It all seems very familiar. Seems they told me then that they were high school students too.